Positive Saturday: Fat Does Not Define You

By Kittyfairy @KittyFairy
Source: Uploaded by user via Kat on Pinterest

I know that the quality of this is a bit rubbish, but I thought that it was an important thing to share with you guys. And it really is true. So many of us define ourselves as "fat", and are even defined as being "fat" by others, but what does that even mean?
Does having "fat" make us a bad person? Of course it doesn't. It doesn't control the person that we are, our personality has full control over that. Just like slimmer ladies, people with a little extra weight can be lovely, just as much as they can be complete bitches.
You are who you are, because of the people around you and the things that you do. They are what define you. Not your weight, or the shape of your body, or the tone of your skin, or the color of your hair :)
You are beautiful!