Positive Emotional Shifts That Will Benefit Your Health

By Rebecca_sands @Rebecca_Sands

It occurred to me over the weekend that I am at my happiest when I am able to appreciate the little things in life.

Little things like:

  • Being able to pause and soak up a sunset
  • Feeling at peace and calm on the yoga mat
  • Luxuriating in a bath
  • Feeling like a million dollars after a day of rest
  • Laughing with friends over some good food
  • Reading a feature article in a magazine and having it change a small part of you through a shift in your perception
  • Taking a moment to look back and marvel at how far you’ve come

When I can’t appreciate these things, it’s an indication that there’s something out of balance in my life and I need to reflect on what that is, and make some positive changes.

When you’re unable to appreciate the little things in life, it can be overwhelming. Nothing seems right and it’s difficult to feel comfortable in your own skin. Conversely, when you’re in the right frame of mind to allow these things to make you feel good, everything seems to be falling into place. I think we all know both of these emotional spaces and it can change day to day; hour to hour.

Being in a negative emotional place too regularly can have a bad impact not just on your overall happiness, but it can also play havoc on your health and relationships.

Here’s where to start if you’re finding yourself unable to appreciate the little things on way too regular a basis.

Look inwards

Figure out what it is that’s really troubling you. Take some time and space to really look at the root cause of the issue. After all, no one can force stress upon us – stress is created by ourselves and we have the ability to manage and measure it, if we have the tools, or allow it to take over.

Take a minute to write down the top five things that are causing you stress right now in your life. Then, next to this list, write three ways you can make steps to change or adjust your life in order to feel better about these issues. For example:

Issue: I don’t have enough time to do what I want to do.

3 steps to make changes or feel better: Leave work on time at least twice this week; diarise three hours into my schedule this week to do things I love to do; look at what I can cross of my list or outsource in order to free up some time.

Issue: I feel like my friends don’t appreciate me.

3 steps to make changes or feel better: Schedule in your next meeting with your friends. Be the one to make an effort. Go to meet them. Cook for them. Plan to meet somewhere convenient for them. (Is that five steps?!). The energy you put out into the world, you tend to get back.

Get into the ‘flow’ zone more often

One of the best ways to combat stress and immediate worries is to get into what’s called the ‘flow’ zone. This is when you could do something for hours and not notice the time pass by, such as watching a really good movie, reading a page-turning novel, watching a live band, or spending time with friends. This zone is also enabled when you are completely immersed in the task at hand, even if you do notice the time that’s going by, such as doing yoga or a dance class. By focusing on the poses and postures, you are in such concentration that you are completely in the ‘now’. Taking your mind off your everyday worries is so valuable because it gives you space to breathe.

Shift your perception

Sometimes, we don’t appreciate the small things because we simply don’t allow ourselves to. We let the bigger issues take over. Make a conscious effort to feel grateful for the things you have in your life. Remember that whatever we focus on, grows. Look at what’s good, and concentrate on that, while making steps towards your goals.

I have recently started the habit of really feeling joy at the end of each meditation, whether in the morning or at night. I allow the feeling of pure joy to enter into me, and I can feel it within every vibration of my breath and body. It helps to picture a time when you were extraordinarily happy – like when you woke up on your first day of holidays in some exotic location, or even Christmas morning when you were a child. That feeling of excitement, lust for life and anticipation is what you’re going for. Let yourself feel that feeling for a minute, or even thirty seconds, depending how much time you have. Opening yourself up to that feeling brings more of it into your life.

How do you use emotional shifts to bring more joy and good health into your life?