Pollen Proof Your Home

By Rojer @healthxwellness

Allergy attacks are the body's overreaction to an irritant. Read more to learn how to prevent allergies and allergy attacks before they happen.

Allergy triggers can be anywhere. There are quite a number of people from across the world that either live with an allergy or are inclined to getting those allergy attacks. Therefore, it’s your duty to know some of the allergens that trigger these allergies even when you’re sound and healthy! Some of the common allergens include: pollen, dust, medications, latex, insect stings, mold, mites, foods, animal dander among others.

Allergy attacks are the body’s overreaction to an irritant. An allergen is generally a harmless substance within the environment, such as pollen, which causes the immune system to react as though the allergen is harmful. Some of the signs and symptoms of the allergy attack are difficulty in breathing, consistent headaches, irritation of the skin and congestion.

This is a list of the top ways on how you are able to reduce your susceptibility to being attacked by an allergy.

Washing hands and clothes

Washing your hands and keeping them from your face can lower the chances of inhaling germs, dust and spores. Washing clothes as quickly as possible helps to reduce your chances of an allergy attack.

Check the calendar

Mark your calendar using the growing cycles of plants you realize cause your allergies to flare. Avoid coming in contact with your allergy triggers whenever you can. Some regions are more pollen dense than the others, so if you do plan a camping trip or other outdoor activity, get it done in an area where your allergies are less inclined to flare.

Stay indoors in the morning

People are usually prone to allergy attacks when there are strong winds and occasional humidity. This helps to spread pollen more quickly. Hence it is recommended to stay indoor between 5-10am. And have a dose of allergy medication.

Wear a mask

Covering your nose is really a good way to filter pollen if you’re gardening or rummaging through old stuff. You may also have a handkerchief on your nose and mouth.

Avoid triggering activities

Avoid vigorous outdoor activities or activities that need you to spend a lot of time outside. Request someone to assist you with landscaping or gardening duties. Consider switching your outdoor spring or summer sports activities for skiing or for sports that occur indoors, such as swimming, ice skating or hockey.

Support your immune system

Start allergy prevention off right by eating a well-balanced diet. Get plenty of exercise. See your doctor for any check up and advice on medications or lifestyle changes. Staying healthy is the greatest way to prevent allergy development.

Avoid alcohol

A running nose that results from an allergy attack becomes much more convenient when there is mucus or further dryness within the nasal cavity. As you constantly wipe your nose, the region around the nostrils becomes dry and pathy. This means you’ll experience painful skin peeling. Hence, avoid consuming alcohol to lessen mucus production. Give your nose some relief.

Prevent Allergy Attacks in Your Home

Avoid pollutants

Covering your nose also protects your respiratory system. Besides avoiding pollen, it is advisable to protect yourself from pollution, dust and smoke too; because these pollutants are modern day living’s causes of most allergy attacks. They’ve an adverse effect on your respiratory tract.