This has been a story in Baltimore and nationally over the past few days. See, the NFL Champs get to kickoff the new NFL season every year on the Thursday before the first Sunday of games. The Ravens, currently the champs, are slated to play Thursday September 5th at night in Baltimore. One problem – the Orioles have a game that night. The issue – they share the same parking lots and cannot play at the same time.
Via NBCSports: “The Ravens are in conflict with their MLB neighbors the Orioles, who are supposed to host the White Sox on Sept. 5 at 7:05 p.m. Given the proximity of the Ravens’ and Orioles’ buildings, they can’t play both at the same time. Jeff Zrebeic of the Baltimore Sun reports that Commissioners Roger Goodell and Bud Selig have discussed the topic, but haven’t come to a resolution yet, and that playing the game on Wednesday, Sept. 4 was declined because of RoshHashanah.”
Here’s a little pro-Orioles talk from Pressbox: ”But are the Orioles really being unreasonable here? I don’t see how. First of all, let’s make it clear that the Orioles can’t single-handedly change the game time without the approval of MLB and the MLB Players Association. The White Sox, too, would need to give their OK. So it’s not entirely the Orioles’ decision to make. And even if it were, they’re well within their rights to be hesitant.Certainly I understand that the season-opening Thursday-night home game is a big deal for the Ravens, but the fact remains that the Orioles’ schedule has already been locked in place for months. It’s not quite fair for the Ravens (or more accurately, the NFL) to swoop in months later and say: “Hey, actually, we want that spot that was reserved for you. Get out of the way, please.” The Orioles shouldn’t be muscled out of a scheduled game that belonged to them, at least not without both sides giving serious consideration to the possible consequences.”
Hey Baltimore, I have an idea: Tell the Orioles, MLB, Bud Selig and the MLBPA to move out of the way. Listen, I’m a huge fan of baseball and I hate that the NFL is so big, but this is an easy decision. Let me remind you that we are talking about the World Championship Ravens beginning the season at home versus some most likely meaningless game in September for the Orioles. If anything, the O’s should be pumped. See I’m in the opinion that the Orioles aren’t going to be nearly as competitive this year as last year’s miraculous run to the playoffs. In fact, I think they’ll be pretty average if not worse. What better way to drum up interest late in the season than to offer a full day of Baltimore sports with a Baseball/ Football double header? Why are we even discussing this?
Pressbox and others in the media are positioning themselves behind the idea that the MLB schedule is already locked in stone. C’mon people, let’s be honest, that will play little to no part in this process. Pressbox also talks bout the consequences at hand for he Orioles. Can I get one that isn’t predicated on the Orioles reproducing what they did last year; which is highly unlikely? What needs to happen is the MLB has to rearrange a few things. Like maybe move the 4:05 game that the Orioles play in Cleveland on the Monday prior to that Wednesday so the Orioles can leave town a little earlier and be ready for potential early afternoon start. Or maybe, the O’s and Indians could play a double header, though I know baseball players pretty much are unable to do that any more (that IS a dig and a topic for another day.)
But really, this is about the MLB holding strong because they have a play in this. Unfortunately the NFL can’t just roll over them this time. Eventually, a deal will be made and the Ravens will open up that Thursday night at home like they’re supposed to. This isn’t about the Orioles or the MLB, this is about what’s right. So let’s not draw this out any longer Bud, make a deal, adjust the schedules and let’s have a crazy awesome day of sports on September 5th.