on Who I Am...

By Calicotales @calicotales

on who I am...
I am...
...aware that even I have hair that can stick straight up when not necessary.
...happy that we finally had ourselves a little shopping spree at Ikea. Doing a tiny makeover to our bedroom + a fresh new rearranging. It needs it. I need it. We need it! Our bedroom has been neglected. Poor thing. 
...proud to say that I'm getting around to changing my name on all my important documents. New driver's license! I was nicely surprise at how quickly I got in and out of there. I feared a long wait. Plus I didn't need to bother the sweet little old lady when taking my picture, the first one we took was just fine. 
...almost done with Lost season one. I know. I'm late with that one, but it didn't really entice me with the whole "plane crashed on a island" when the seasons where on Tv. So here I am watching them on my Kindle Fire. 
...not going to lie when I say that I've bought two different dresses off of Modcloth last week. Thanks a lot Cabin Fever sale. 
...hating distance and missing my family quite a bit. 
...busy with revamping, planning, thinking, reading, crocheting, daydreaming and all the normal life stuff. Does it ever slow down? I could use a little vacation from myself. 
...going to my very first dinner with Bobby's work crew. They are having a belated Holiday Dinner at a very fancy restaurant and wives were invited. Yes, wives :) That's me. And even after finding out from Bobby that most likely I'll be the only wife attending (because I'm cool) I still am very ecstatic to meet his co-workers, get dressed up and eat very expensive food. That's this Friday. Hoping to catch a movie afterwards too. Little date nights are the best. 
...crazy about Sebastian. It amazes me how much love I have for the kid. Everything he does or says or even the smallest facial expression I manage to witness is stored and put into inventory inside my heart & soul. I need to remember it all.  
...jealous of my in-laws who are going to Mexico next month. Mother in law is going to be turning a life altering age (just kidding!) and it's been written in the books that this year will be the year of some R & R in paradise. Boy, does she deserve it! And I'm already looking forward to seeing all the pictures :) 
...constantly reminded how in love I am. Even staying up past 1am putting together our bedroom furniture makes me squeal with happiness. Sigh. It's a great thing. 