on Who I Am...

By Calicotales @calicotales

I am...
...trying not to jinx it all by saying this, but over the weekend it snowed just enough to cover everything and look pretty but also did not ruin the day for us. It was nice. Not that I'm saying it should do that more often!
...entirely way to giddy about finally picking up my pre-ordered dvd of Breaking Dawn. Now you know what I'll be watching tonight and tomorrow night and the night after...so on. Poor husband. 
...obsessed with the show The Walking Dead-- which is seriously such a total thrilling/suspenseful show that it even gives me cool zombie dreams where I blow zombie heads off! Judge me if you must but that to me is an ideal dream! Currently the Mr. and I have been looking forward to our zombie watching nights :) It's so romantic. 
...so happy that The Foo Fighters won Best Rock Album. Honestly, I think they are the only real rock band around anymore. They are so talented and I think it's great how much they love what they do and do it just for that reason. Rock on!
...jealous of my in laws who are in Mexico! Gah! Totally jealous. The other day mom texted me and said their getting massages on the beach. Like really? Don't text me that, it's just cruel :) I say all that but I'm really excited and happy for them. Can not wait for all the pictures. 
...becoming a crochet master! I've made some lovely projects from scarves to ear-warmer headband to a super warm cowl and now I'm starting on my chevron afghan. It has been cutting into my blogging and reading no doubt but alas sometimes I crave some time to just step back from all the technology and make things with my hands!
...going to be baking up some yummy cuppy cakes for Valentine's Day tomorrow. Also requested by my husband dinner will be made up of a buffalo chicken stromboli & a broccoli, tomato & cheese stromboli's along with twice baked potatoes. Yeah, carb overload. Lord help me. 
...missing Seattle. Terribly. 
...thankful for the people in my life near & far and thankful for the ones who aren't in my life. Not a day goes by that I realize how fortunate I am for all that. 