on Currently...

By Calicotales @calicotales

Reading// Still working on Game of Thrones book #1. I haven't really been reading much the past few weeks but hoping to finish it up soon. I'm very close to finishing and I still love it as much as I love the show. My last post was my reading list and I think I'll be starting on Neil Gailman's book next. It's not as long as some of the books I've been reading lately so that will be nice. 

Listening to// Pandora. It's really all I listen to now a days. God knows when the last time I bought music. I seriously want to make out with whoever it was that invented Pandora. I love the variety and I swear it always knows just what I want to hear. And when I get bored or want to mix it up all I have to do is change the station. Other than that Fleet Foxes has been my favorite thing to listen to lately. 

Thinking about// My dad. He's been on my mind ever since I left Seattle. He is due for surgery tomorrow. He will be staying one night at the hospital and home by Wednesday. It's hard to be so far and even with all my positive thoughts it still hurts to be so far away. But when I think of my dad I swell with pride. I am so incredible proud of him and can't but look up to his strong will. I can't wait until I can finally be back home and be able to hug him whenever I want. He's a great man. 

Watching// Teen Wolf. It my favorite show that is currently on. It even tops True Blood right now. Don't get me wrong True Blood with forever be on my list but something about Teen Wolf this season has been all giddy and excited. Every episode has had me on the edge of my seat and ending with lots of question to be answered. I love that! And after each episode I get all pouty about it being over! 

I saw World Ward Z with a couple of my girlfriends on Sunday. Two thumbs up from me! I loved every minute of it. I loved the zombies. They were creepy looking but the sound that let out took things to a whole new level. I thought Brad Pit was awesome in the role he played and even though I wished we learned some more about his past I still thought it was enough. Without giving away too much I will say all around the thing I was most pleased with was the ending. Many people would think that is weird because well, the ending didn't really end or give us closure at all but I liked that because it seemed more realistic to me. Worth seeing though! 
The next movie I'm counting down the days to is-- The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. It comes out on my birthday! 

Looking forward to// Sebastian's 5th birthday. I still can't believe my little boy is going to be five! Ahhh! The days have flown by and it's about that time. Since it's his big 5th birthday we plan on spoiling him and having a small birthday party at his favorite place, Happy Tymes, which is a family fun center. Huge jungle gym maze, rides, games, go carts and mini golf. Where a little boys wildest dreams come true. My little boy to be exact. I know he will have fun and it will be something he will talk about and relive for months after. Can't wait to see his face light up. 

Making me happy// A hardworking husband. He really is the moon of my life. My perfect fella. Books and their ability to sooth and relax me. I can get lost in a book and forget about anything on my mind. Thinking about Seattle and the future. It makes me happy knowing that all but good things are coming our way. I love to think I'll finally get to start on my dreams. Bobby and I have been talking about expanding our family and once we get completely settled out in Seattle we hope to work on turning our family of three into four. It exciting to think about! Over all at the end of the day even though some times life is tough and whether it's me or a loved one going through something the best way to take it on is with positive thoughts and a brave heart. 
