Watching// okay so I started watching two new (well, new to me) shows that I've absolutely fallen in love with. First, Son of Anarchy. Oh. My. God. This show was made for me! Sexy biker dudes in a motorcycle club that's involved in lots of crazy stuff. Totally not a show for everybody but I love it and so does my husband. We watch it together. Isn't that cute?! It's really just a badass show and I got so attached to all the different characters. I've got two favorite character. One actually dead in season three and I may or may not have shed some major tears. Second is a lady played by Katey Sagal! She is the shiz. Now, have you heard of Smash? I heard about it a while back but never really knew what it was about until one of my friends explained that it's a show about a group of characters who are creating a new Broadway Show! Love it. Singing. Drama. I'm there. What shows are you watching lately?
Listening to// Lana Del Ray. I seriously came across her on Pandora when her song "Blue Jeans" randomly started playing and I got all starry eyed by her voice. It's different and edgy. So now that's been on repeat. Sebastian is// growing, learning and I'm so dang proud of him. I've got so much love for that kids it's amazing. Currently we are starting to work on homework assignments right after we get home. Homework right now consists of first tracing and then writing the alphabet. He is pretty good at doing both. We come home from preschool and sit down together with a snack and a drink and do whatever it is that the teacher has given. Some days are better than other. I mean, he is four and doing pages in his workbook isn't as appealing as watching cartoons or playing with his toys. But for the most part he understands that it has to be done in order to be able to play. It's pretty amazing and so rewarding to see him sit there with his tiny hands and write the letter "M" with a one of mommy's ball point pens (because that's the cool thing to do) and hold that pen with his itty bitty pincher fingers. That's really all it take for me to drip into a puddle of pure admiration. Planning// A trip up to the mountains to snowboard just the husband and I. We plan to go the weekend before Valentine's Day and so that will be out little Valentine's getaway. First of all I've never snowboarded in all my life so that should be interesting. I feel like I can handle it and I'm pretty good with picking up on new things. Secondly, I'm not a huge fan of snow/cold and I already told Bobby that there might be some whining on my part about how cold it is or that snow touch me, like touch a body part! Because that is just not cool with me. He said he would deal with it and I love him for that. Honestly he is pretty excited about it. He bought me a pretty awesome snowboarding outfit that I can't wait to wear. Oh and you will most likely see some video of this experience because husband dearest just bought a Go Pro. And if you don't know what that is, well, it's a small video camera that can be mounted anywhere and in our case record while you snowboard. Yeah. Hooray. And I'm saying that in the most sarcastic way I can! Loving// TEA! Wow. Tea has been all that I've been drinking. Okay, that's a lie because coffee is number one but tea is totally second up. I stumbled across this wonderful tea company called David's Tea from Canada. Oh Canada! All loose leaf teas and dang good too! They have such a vast variety that I get giddy every time I go online to order some more. It's like I want to stick with the kinds I've tried because I love them but then I wanted to experience all the other teas they have to offer. I've tried a handful and liked every single one. Also when you order they put three one serving samples in your box to try! How cool is that? My last order I splurged and bought a fun travel mug. Do you like loose leaf tea? Any other sweet places I should know about? Random// Aren't my new social media buttons darling? I think so :) If you haven't already-- add me. The lovely Sarah put those up for me since I just couldn't figure that one thing out. And now for a list-- new discoveries, a collection of Iphone case to match every outfit, future plans, new readers (Hi!), lovely blogs I read & instagramers I follow who always inspire me, pinterest frenzy, knitting cardigans, my dad, a clean house and all the positive whole-hearted people in my life. xoxo.