on a Mini Vacation...

By Calicotales @calicotales
Every summer my in laws rent a house down the New Jersey shore. We always try to make some time to spend a few days at the beach with them. This year they have a cute house with beach themed rooms and it's only about a half a block from the beach. I took a short day at work today and we got an early start on the drive down. It takes about an hour and a half to get down here, which for me always feels much longer. On long road trips I'm usually the driver since I tend to get car sick and I whine the whole way. Just ask my husband. I ask him if we're there yet more than Sebastian does.  
We arrived around five in the evening and of course we wasted no time and packed a bag to spend some time by the ocean before dinner. The weather is gorgeous here with the sun shining down on us with a cool breeze that nips at your skin. I'm thankful for this little mini vacation we are about to have and happy for all these moments. Here are some photos of the short time we've been here already!
I'll be the person who wakes up at 5:45am on their vacation so that they can make a great cup of coffee and walk down to the beach to witness the sunrise. Call me crazy!
