Nomadic Tipi's and Snoqualmie Falls...

By Calicotales @calicotales

Our weekend was a success! Such a beautiful place. Bobby picked me up after school on Saturday and from there we headed to North Bend to the Log Cabin Bed & Breakfast
where we reserved a majestic tipi that's nestled next to the Snoqualmie River. 

We drove down a long gravel road to get to the main house, a log cabin, where we were anxiously awaited by the family who owns the bed & breakfast. They were just as excited for us to be there as we were and apparently we were the first tipi reservation of the season. We were handed a welcome basket full of coffee, water bottles, hot chocolate and other small necessities. From there on we were pretty much on our own to make ourselves at home. We were okay with that! 

Our tipi was the red one that sat first on the property and the one I was praying for! Beside our tipi was a picnic bench set up to be our little kitchen area complete with a stove/oven and all the pot & pans we needed for cooking. The fire pit was between our tipi and the river so we faced our camping chairs so that we were looking out onto the flowing clear blue water. Firewood was at our disposal with axes laid out for us to us. Bobby enjoyed pretending to be a lumberjack, chopping away at the logs. Our first night we spent sitting by the fire and enjoying the soothing sounds of nature and even played a game of Scrabble. 

The inside of our tipi was simple which made it so peaceful to be in. Inside was a full sized log bed, handmade by the gentleman who owns the bed & breakfast, a table and another fire pit! That's right we were able to have a rolling fire to warm us during the night while we slept. In case you're wondering the top of the tipi open just enough to make it so that we could have a fire yet keep the rain out just enough. I loved it! We were a little smoked by the end of the weekend and our things had a slight layer of ash on them but it was part of the experience and I really wouldn't of changed it for anything. Having a blazing fire as we snuggled in bed put us right to sleep and we both slept like babies. 

Sunday morning we woke up early, well, I woke up early to make breakfast and make a cup of coffee in my french press and as soon as our tummies were full we heading up to Snoqualmie Falls. Snoqualmie Falls is dear to our hearts since it was the place we said "I Do". At the time of our wedding the trails were closed down due to renovations so were weren't able to climb to the bottom of the falls. Since then it has reopened and we wanted to make a point to adventure down to the bottom of the falls. It was a beautiful little hike. 

It was an amazing weekend and we highly recommend the bed & breakfast to anyone who is looking for a tranquil experience. They offer actual log cabins as well as big tents. The tipi's are fun and I hope to do it again but maybe bring Sebastian along! xoxo.