New Start Or New Spin?

By Healingyoga

No, I haven't forgotten September 11th. Heck, I really think the whole "never forget" stuff is unnecessary, for how could one possibly forget such an event and the aftermath? Things are quite different now, 11 years later...or are they?

As usual, I start thinking about a topic and all sorts of stuff pops up to get me thinking about it a little deeper. Exit 9/11 and enter...John Friend. I'd like to start off by saying that I've never practiced with John Friend personally nor have I practiced Anusara Yoga all that much (a few classes in total in the 14 years I've been practicing yoga). Yet I'm intrigued by his Phoenix-like rise from the ashes. Yes, Mr. Friend is baaaaack. And he's got a whole new practice -- and perspective -- to share. So, he's different now...or is he?