You know that endorphins can put you in a better mood and exercise can get you there.
Are you the victim of situation?
We often feel that we are the victims of the situations or the circumstances. So we try to control them always. If you chance encounter upon the complaining friend then you can always approach your optimistic friend to improve your mood. If you are trying to get over after watching a sad movie then you can see a comedy one and get that mood upliftment instantly.
But at several times, these situations or events are not under our control and we feel miserable. Like if you are having an irritating co-worker or family member whom you can’t escape then you have very less escape routes to improve your mood.
How you can improve your mood by what you eat?
But we need not be victim of circumstances now as the behavior scientists as behavioral scientists are studying how we can improve our moods by taking control of our daily behaviors. The expression, “you are what you eat” has proven to be true—not just for disease management but our overall state of mind. If you find yourself irritable, fatigued, unfocused or even blue, it may be your diet. What you eat, how often you eat, and how much you eat are all factors that can dramatically impact your mood. So, if you can keep your blood sugar stable, your mood may follow.
Does your behavior decide how you feel?
In normal life behaviors are controlled by feelings. If we are sad then we cry. If we are angry then we rant. But now a large body of researchers has established this fact that even feelings can be controlled by our behaviors. If we force ourselves to smile, we feel happier. And if we pretend to be excited, upbeat and energized, we begin to actually feel that way. This again proves that we are more in control of our moods than just the circumstances around us.
How exercise can help you improve your mood?
Exercise helps the release of some chemicals like endorphins which are responsible for the runner’s high or that sudden burst in creativity. Even a leisurely stroll in the nearby park can help you to lift your mood.
What are the various natural mood lifters?
Eat less, Eat often
This will prevent the dip in your blood sugar levels to become low when you feel hungry or high when you eat too much. Plan your meals and snacks to prevent yourself from getting overly hungry, aiming for three to six eating episodes (total meals plus snacks) each day.
Simple carbohydrates a big no no
Your favorite candies, chocolates, cookies, white flour have the simple or concentrated carbohydrates in them that suddenly rush your blood glucose level making you feel good but after some time they make you feel irritated and tired. Replace them with the complex carbohydrates foods like fruits, vegetables, low fat yogurt and whole grains.
Lean protein
A small amount of lean protein at every meal and snack will leave you feeling alert and productive for hours.
Omega-3 fats
They are found in oily fish like salmon or sardines, canola and olive oils, as well as flaxseeds and walnuts. They help lift moods and cure depression.
Vitamin B12 & Foliates
Oatmeal, vegetables, eggs, dairy products, poultry, certain cereals, and shellfish are foods rich in these nutrients. They help your body synthesize serotonin, a natural mood-boosting neurotransmitter.
Cuddling with a pet or significant other has been shown to release oxytocin, a natural hormone that enhances our ability to feel empathy and other emotions such as happiness and surprise.
Amino acids
They are said to impact a person’s dopamine levels. These acids might act as a mood enhancer and fight the symptoms of depression. Amino acids might also improve motivation, which is closely tied to mood, but it’s something many people struggle with in a multi-tasking world.
Sights, smells, sounds, tastes and tactile sensations can quickly change your mood. Light a scented candle that evokes memories of the holidays, revisit your old family photographs, buy your favorite flowers and celebrate in the smell (and sight) of them, or soak in a scented bubble bath while listening to soothing music.
Natural ideas to Improve Your Mood
Listen music
Music therapy is increasingly used to cure depression, anxiety problems. Whenever you feel low in your life just switch on that favorite voice and musical not and you will find that they are replacing those negative thoughts after some time making you relaxed and unnerved.
Help others
Walk dogs at an animal shelter, feed the homeless at a food shelter, teach English at a literacy program, or assist in programs for special needs children. Do any of these or similar helping acts of kindness and you will feel good about yourself.
Your 7-9 hour of sound sleep do wonders for making you fresh and relaxed. Take those hours compulsorily from your busy schedule to unnerve yourself.
It’s absolutely normal to wake up on the wrong side of your bed often but if your nature is optimal and you know the strategies to cope up with yourself then you will definitely shine through. Even after doing all these acts if you feel anxious, irritated or tired, then you can consult your physician. He or she will want to rule out any medical or nutritional causes before considering treatment for depression.