Natural Herbal Remedy to Treat Muscle Cramps

By Rojer @healthxwellness

Cramps are painful spasms in a muscle and are often caused by overuse, dehydration, or nutritional deficiencies. Here are some herbs can provide a quick relief from muscular cramps.

Muscular cramps are of common occurrence that may arise from a number of conditions. Over exertion from the muscles, dehydration and electrolytic and hormonal imbalances are the factors that often cause muscle cramps.

These herbs possess anti-spasmodic properties and they ensure complete relief from the painful cramps. Some commonly available herbs can offer a quick relief from muscular cramps if used in a proper manner.

Ginger Tea

This herb out of your kitchen shelf can produce miraculous leads to treating muscular cramps. The fundamental oils and potential chemicals contained in this herb improve the blood flow and ease your muscle cramps. Take two tablespoons fresh ginger root and steep in hot water for 10-15 minutes. Strain the liquid and drink it. You can include few drops of lime or honey to boost the flavor.


This spice has been utilized to relieve arthritis pain and heartburn, and also to reduce inflammation. It’s unclear how turmeric works against pain or inflammation, nevertheless its activity may be due to a chemical called curcumin, that has anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric is usually safe to use, but high doses or long-term use could cause indigestion. Also, people with gallbladder disease must avoid using turmeric.

Black Cohosh

This is another natural herb used to treat aches and pains arising from muscle cramps. The potent ingredient contained in this herb is salicylic acid, noted for its anti inflammatory property. The existence of glycosides, isoflavones, tannins, aromatic and fatty acids, resins and starches also causes it to be useful in treating pains brought on by stiffness, nerve pull or muscle contraction. Black Cohosh capsules are used to treat other muscle cramps.


The herb, Chamomile is really a well known muscle relaxant often used to treat muscle cramps. Tea prepared from fresh or powdered Chamomile flowers soothes the muscles and eases the cramps. Boil a cup of water and add few fresh chamomile flowers inside it. Leave it for some time and drink it after straining the liquid. Gently massage the cramped areas with Chamomile oil to create quick relief. Else you can include few drops of the Chamomile for your tea and have it.

Licorice Roots

Should you prepare an infusion utilizing the Licorice Roots and put them inside some warm water and cover the container, leaving it for that night, you will have yourself an infusion that may be applied on the aching muscle and it is regular application, will help remove your pain permanently too and thus, it will help making you safe from such aches in the future.

Natural Herbal Remedy

Ginkgo Biloba

The herb, Ginkgo Biloba works well for relieving the muscle cramps by increasing the blood circulation of the cramped area. It reduces the stickiness of the blood improving the blood flow throughout the body. Additionally, it dilates the blood vessels allowing extra space for free blood circulation. As the oxygen supply increases with improved blood flow, the pain due to muscular cramps subsides gradually. You are able to prepare an infusion of Ginkgo Biloba leaves and also have it once or twice a day.

Fenugreek Leaves

The Fenugreek Leaves are pretty efficient in working with aching muscles. In order to make a utilization of them, the fenugreek leaves are to become dried by placing them underneath the heat of the sun for approximately 5 to 6 days. After that they’re to be mixed in a glass water and this mixture is to be drunk in early mornings regularly for a quick relief.