My Favorite Running Blogs: Spreading Miles of Love

By Locutus08 @locutus08

The next three weeks are going to be wicked busy, with races every weekend, in addition to training runs before or after the races since my mileage is really ramping up in preparation for the 24-hour race! This means my blogging time will be at a premium. However, in those brief moments of calm, I love being able to follow a wide variety of running and endurance blogs from across the country and around the world. The running community is amazing on so many levels, and I can always count on someone to be looking for the same answer, trying out the product I’m looking at, or running the race I’m thinking about adding to my calendar. It’s also nice to be able to process some of that non-moving running energy with other like-minded individuals so everyone else around me doesn’t begin to think I do nothing but run (although some folks seem to think so anyway). Thus, I wanted to spread the blog love and share some of the blogs I follow on a regular basis. Perhaps you’re already reading them or perhaps they are new to you.

Gear Reviews

Gear Patrol-

Gear Junkie-


The Big Outside-

Ultra-Running & Trail Running



Trail and Ultra Running-

TrailRunner Magazine-

Trail Runner Nation-

General Running


DC Rainmaker-

No Meat Athlete-

Pavement Runner-

Running Sunflower-


Pittsburgh Runner-

Running Blog Top Lists- Naturally, others have compiled their own lists!

Enjoy the fall colors!

There are certainly plenty of other blogs out there, and additional resources for runners, so let’s hear from all of you! What should I be reading? Who should I be following? Do you have a blog you’d like me to check out? Happy running this weekend!