Metabolism Stuck? Time to Go For The Burn

Posted on the 08 March 2015 by Lynettesheppard @LynetteSheppard

My favorite nutritionist, Haylie Pomroy has a new book out. Called “The Burn”. The subheading is “Why Your Scale is Stuck and What to Eat About It.”

The Burn delineates three different “burns” to get you past the plateau and/or kickstart your metabolism. Based on your body symptoms, you choose the burn best for you. Or you can ultimately choose to do all three.

The I-Burn is to reduce inflammation – that’s the one I believe that I need first. At our annual goddess gathering, we all made a commitment to eat in a manner that reduces inflammation overall for the coming year. Even if we don’t have overt symptoms, we know that much of disease and dis-ease can be directly related to inflammation’s effect on the body. With this 3 day burn, you’ll reset and lost 3 pounds.

If you have swelling, puffiness, fat accumulation in weird places, mood swings, this might be the Burn calling your name.

The D-Burn is for detoxification. Gas, bloating, irritable bowel, constipation. If these symptoms plague you a little or a lot, this might just be the remedy you’ve needed to move the needle on that scale. A clean digestive system is a must for optimal health. Thankfully, this is not much of an issue for me, but a good detox now and again is important to keep the GI tract running well. Haylie tells us that we will lose 5 pounds over the 5 days of this burn.

The H-Burn is for hormonal balancing. Most menopause goddesses certainly need rebalancing of our hormonal states more than once. Dry hair, hair loss, low or absent libido, hot flashes, weight gain – hey sounds like a day in the life of a menopausal woman.  I definitely need to do this Burn second.

The H-burn takes 10 days – and takes off 10 pounds. I’m less concerned about x amount of pounds in x amount of days than I am about resetting my metabolism and cleaning out my systems. I think of it as getting the sludge out.

As an RN, I love Ms. Pomroy’s focus on science and WHY the burns help get the body working optimally again.

As a woman, I love her no-nonsense approach and her non-judgmental style, realizing that hey, we all need and want a margarita fest or a nacho/buffalo wing fun hog evening once in a while. And as a HUGE fan of her fast metabolism diet – which I still follow as just the way I eat now – I’m more than willing to try the Burns.

And as a lazy girl, I love that she gives me no brainer recipes and how-to info so that I don’t have to think too much. Perfect.

Sound too good to be true? She challenges us to notice how hot we look on a Friday night and after a weekend of fun food and drink how that changes to puffy, not glowing, tired looking versions of ourselves.

Honestly, how I look is of less interest to me than it used to be. My “hot” days are mostly in my rear view mirror. These days, I just want to feel vibrant and strong. As my husband says,  “healthy is the new buff”.

Alas, I cannot do the burns just yet. Living on this tiny dot in the Pacific means that I can’t get a number of the foods prescribed for each one. So my burns will have to wait until this summer when I am on the mainland with access to so much more. Stay tuned. Better yet, try the Burns and let us know how it goes for you.

For more info, visit Haylie’s site or buy the book on Amazon.

Haylie Pomroy’s site  The Burn