Make Your Travel Experience Easier

By Rebecca_sands @Rebecca_Sands

This post is sponsored by Travel Money Oz

I am the biggest fan of traveling. Not only does it get you out of your day-to-day head space, it’s one of the best ways to become re-inspired with life. Travelling to new places (or even not-so-new places that you’ve been to before) gets your head out of the same place it’s been in a million times and opens your eyes to fresh experiences, different people and new possibilities. Even if it’s just a short trip, in a thousand ways it can be exactly what you need to re-inspire your journey through life.

Travelling can, however, be fairly stressful. New experiences can bring different emotions and take you well out of your comfort zone. This is awesome in itself, but there are ways to minimise the anxiety.

Here’s how to reduce stress and make your travel experience easier – whether traveling for business or pleasure.

Plan, plan, plan

I never was a planner. Until I was. Seriously, planning takes the stress out of life. Sure, there are always things that you couldn’t have planned for. But when you pre-think the multitude of things that could go right or wrong, it’s so much easier to deal with the smaller (or bigger!) things that come up that you could never even have dreamed up, when you have time to actually think about it. Make a list, check it off, and just do it now. Once you have planned for everything, you can sleep with a soft, happy smile.

Make copies of all of the essentials

Copy your license, credit cards, flight details, important phone numbers, insurances – all of the stuff you may need at a moment’s notice if anything were to pop up. Give a copy to your mum, best friend or partner and keep one with you when traveling. It’s basic stuff but easy to overlook.

Organise your phone and finances

Speak with your phone provider to find out the best deal for global roaming well in advance. You don’t want to be surprised with a massive phone bill later on. Equally, overseas charges on cards can be ridiculous. Services like the Travel Money Oz cash passport can help in this regard – prepaid money that can save in fees.

How do you make travel easier? 
