Love Letters from Lotus Lodge: Glads!

By Bethschreibmangehring
Painting from

A beautiful friend brought me a lovely many colored bouquet of Gladiolas.  Glads for short!  For every petal I can name a Glad in my life.  I now realize why we have so many types of trees, flowers, people, animals, colors.  God created, mountains, desserts, flat lands, cold seasons, hot seasons, oceans, lakes, streams, plant life- many, many, flowers, sun, moon, stars, nights, days, weeks, years and forever life everlasting!  There is a glad for ever moment, wake up, count your Glads.

   Saint Germain has said repeatedly; where your attention is, there you are: what your attention is upon  you will become!  Radiance and God's love and mercy flow through the universe and fill all the world with glads.  I use to think I had to focus on one object, now I know I am fulfilled and running over with Glads.  My trees, my beautiful forest, home, friends, animals- wherever my attention goes there is a God filled Glad.   Each life stream came to earth with a beautiful lotus- to be nurtured and brought to life to full fruition a glorious blossom.  How many beings leave each embodiment with a bare stem? Come!  Keep your stem filled with petals.  I am so glad to share my Glads with you, my stem is full and running over.  I nourish the Lotus I brought in to this life.   Ever petal is a sacred Glad filled with the Holy essence which  fills my consciousness.  May the Elixir of the Golden Glads flow naturally through you this day, and the Glad you came here to be.  I am glad, I am Glad, I am Glad!

  Go out and spread your Glads.  

Much Love,


LaWanna can be reached to schedule an appointment at 330-878-7379