Kenin’s 30 Day Weight Loss Update! Full of Disbelief!

By Kenin Bassart @Constantramble

As of this writing I’ve been on the 90- Day challenge for exactly 30 days. Being 1/3 of the way through the 90- Day Challenge, I feel like it’s time to share my first before/ after photo. It’s really important to make sure to take these kinds of pictures as often as you can, because they really help you keep perspective when trying to lose weight and change your body, but more on that later. First here are my results after the first 30-days of the 90-day challenge.

Plateau, Plateau How I Hate You So

Before I get into the results for the full 30 days, I feel it’s important to look at week 4 since I’ve been recapping this weekly. As far as moving the needle on the scale, it wasn’t a great week for that as I netted a 1.8 pound loss and stuck the scale at 282.4 for 6 out of the 7 days of the week. My chart looked something like this.

1.8 pounds is not a bad number and nothing to shake a stick at, it’s just kinda frustrating when you are trying to lose weight fast right? Well not so much. See there’s a whole other component to weight loss that I discussed in week 2, that I want to talk about a little more. I did something very shocking to my system this week, and when you factor that in, it’s no wonder I flatlined. I started a whole new work out program. Since August, I’ve been walking and jogging quite a bit and doing some other cardio if the hotel had a gym, but this week I started something different. I started a total body workout system (review coming soon) that focuses on HIIT  (High Intensity Interval Training). It’s been kicking my butt to the point where I have new found muscles that are sore each morning. So you might be asking yourself why wouldn’t I have lost a ton of weight if my workouts got 100% more intense and more difficult? The answer is an easy one: your body can only do so much at one time. If your body is focused on building muscles and strength it can’t and won’t also release a bunch of fat. On top of that there’s the reality that I am clearly building muscle mass, so the number on the scale shouldn’t be moving down if my body is trading fat for muscle. Which brings me back to the earlier statement about before and after pictures.

I’m not buff yet, but I take it day by day

The Importance of  Before and After

Most individuals are really bad at knowing what they look like. I know that sounds weird, but think about it. How often do you see pictures or video of yourself and say ” I look like that?”. So when you are trying to lose weight and transform your body it’s almost impossible for you to see the results on your own. Weighing yourself isn’t super effective, and stats like body measurements and body fat percentage help, but you know what they say; “A picture is worth a 1000 words”. In this case it’s absolutely true. A good before/after picture can give you just the perspective you need when you’re feeling frustrated or uncertain about your body transformation. It really works wonders though when you are trying to bust through that plateau.  It can really give you that fresh dose of perspective and motivation you need on your long term progress.

30 – Day Progress

Speaking of long term, let’s take this weeks paltry 1.8 pound loss and stack it up against where I was when I started this 90-Day Challenge. On day 1 of that Challenge I was at 300.2 Pounds, as of today I’m at 281.8, which means I’ve shed 18.4 pounds in 30 days!! Suddenly that pesky plateau doesn’t mean that much to me. On top of that, my strength and endurance have increased dramatically and my energy levels are pretty high at all times. Overall, I’ve found the shakes are pretty easy to drink and the different flavor varieties and recipes we’ve found along the way has given us enough variety where drinking 2 meals a day hasn’t felt like a burden at all. Add in the fact that I eat two snacks a day, and we rotate different meals to replace (sometimes I eat breakfast food and do a shake for lunch/dinner or do shake, meal, shake) I don’t feel like I’m missing out on food at all. The best part for me though? Sharing the challenge with others. So far we’ve had a friend join us on the road to fit by starting her 90-day challenge, and she’s already lost 7 pounds and 2 inches in a week! On top of that, we have the chance to earn our products for free. Overall this 90-day challenge has been a resounding success, and if you are planning on losing weight, or getting fit, I strongly suggest you check this video out. Then, if you’re interested fill out the form on the same page, and we’ll be in touch about helping you start the 90-day challenge!

Are you ready to take the 90-Day Challenge! Click here for more information!

If you want see more posts leading up to this 30 Day Weight Loss Result check out these related posts.

300- A Haunting Reality

Week 1 – Holy Crap I lost 10 Pounds in 5 Days?

Week 2 – You Win Some You Lose Some

Week 3 – Feeling like a Champ!

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