Having the last name Fitzpatrick is interesting. It's different enough that you remember it, but just common enough that you can share a name with a good number of people. And with a first name with those same qualities, it was only a matter of time before someone in the news was named Diane Fitzpatrick.
Like Kellyanne Conway's mom. Thankfully, Kellyanne looks - and is - old enough to not be my daughter, so there isn't anyone who knows me who thinks I count among my offspring a pollster-turned- um . . . whatever she is now.
But because I share Kellyann's mom's name, I already relate to her. I don't know a thing about her, but I can picture her and I can guess what kind of mom she'd be. Exactly like me.
I imagine she shoots off a text or an email to her daughter much like I do to mine.
Hi Kell - Saw you on Wolf Blitzer this morning. So you're not curling your bangs anymore? Love you! Mom Hey Kell, Kellyanne Y don't u ever wear that purple blouse I got you for Xmas????? It looks so cute on you!!!!! Kellyanne - I just want to say that Anderson Cooper can go jump in a darn lake. He doesn't know what he's talking about. You are doing a great job, honey. XOXO Are you in for Skyping with the family Sunday? Your brothers think you're avoiding them. We know you are a very important person with a very important job, but remember: No one ever lay on her deathbed and said "I wish I had spent more time defending a politician." <3 <3 <3