How to Get Willpower to Lose Stubborn Weight

By Pamela Brown

Are You "Not in Control" of Your Weight?

"You can't do it on your own; you just can't".

" Some people can't effectively lose weight without bariatric surgery."

As a fitness specialist and life coach, I've heard these statements time and time again. It actually hurts me to hear my clients and non-clients say these things because they're killing their motivation to succeed each time those statements leave their mouth.

Today, however, I want you to know that you are in control. So, you will learn the following:

  1. Why you feel you are not in control of your weight and life
  2. How you can feel in control of your weight and life

Why You Feel Out of Control When It Comes To Eating and Weight

One reason is because you are eating for emotional reasons and/or unmet needs.

So many times, you can fall victim to emotional eating or stress eating because you have personal needs that aren't being met. This lowers your life satisfaction, and the joy and pleasure you need in life, and so your body looks for substitute pleasure.

Needs that you may have (and may not be aware of) are as follows:

  1. unresolved conflict, anger
  2. fatigue/tired (need energy)
  3. boredom (need something productive to do)
  4. stress (even internal stress such as low self-esteem or self-worth, or lack of personal identity- (don't know who you are))
  5. loneliness (need company, companionship?)
  6. need to be recognized
  7. need friendship or to belong
  8. need to be of service to others
  9. job fulfillment
  10. more satisfying relationships
  11. fun/relaxation/feel like a kid again

These are only some needs that may need examining, and could be at the root of your overeating/ stress eating/ emotional eating.

So, you have willpower. But, are you wasting it on unmet needs?

So, today, I want to tell you that you can feel and be in control of your weight and life. And you do so by accepting responsibility for the choices you make.

To Be In Control of Your Weight, Take Responsibility of Your Life Choices

  1. Identify and list your top 5 personal needs.
  2. Picture these needs being met, then write down how life will change once these needs are met.
  3. Acknowledge that you have choices, and how your life is now is because of the choices you've made.
  4. Forgive yourself for any choices that have brought negative results into your life.
  5. Accept yourself for who you are, and where you are in life.
  6. Write down 1-2 small changes you can make in the next week that will get your closer to having your needs met, sans food.
  7. You can go a step further, and learn how to delegate tasks to others, or learn how to say no so that you can make time for yourself

You are in control of your weight and life.

You have willpower; you have strength.

Take responsibility for your choices, and you will succeed with the body of your dreams!

Pamela Brown

The Body Confidence Fitness Coach

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