Home Remedies To Get Rid of White Hair

By Rojer @healthxwellness

People get really nervous when they get white hair or gray hair. It is just that you have to follow some remedies to prevent white hair.

White hair comes with the age factor because the hair loses its pigmentation and turns white. However, genetic issues, heredity, illness are also factors causing this problem. Getting white hair are quite embarrassing and disheartening. Lets discover the solutions to come out with this problem.

Lots of people begin to use hair dyes and hair colors which contain harsh chemicals to cover gray hair. If you are suffering from premature whitening, then listed here are certain home based remedies which will help you to deal with the problem of white hair around the scalp.

Curry Leaves

Curry leaves are extremely much useful. The leaves ought to be boiled in a coconut oil and use the mixture to the hair to eliminate white hair. Leave it for 15-20 minutes after which wash it. These treatments are very useful so try it, you’ll feel the difference.


Amla is the excellent and popular fix for getting rid of white hair. Amla oil could be massaged on your scalp properly .Also, a dry amla could be grounded into a powder and really should be mixed with water and put on the hair.

Sesame Seeds

Take almond oil and blend it up with the grounded sesame seeds to create a paste out of it. Apply the paste around the scalp for about 20-25 minutes to determine wonders. Making sesame seeds like a diet supplement also empower quality results.


Extract juice of fresh leaves Bhringaraja and add Triphala Churna into it for making a fine paste. Apply this paste for your hair. Don’t store this paste. Massage bhringaraja oil gently for your hair.
Make a paste of Bhringaraja and Ashwagandha roots. Add coconut oil inside it and apply it to the hair.


Take henna powder (2 tsp), plain yogurt (1 tsp), fenugreek (1 tsp), coffee (3 tsp), basil juice (2 tsp) and mint juice (3 tsp). Mix these to make a smooth paste. Put it on on your hair and wash your hair after 2 to 3 hours.

Ridge Gourd

Dry several pieces of ridge gourd in sun and soak them in coconut oil for around three to four days. Then, boil this oil together with Ribbed Gourd pieces till the pieces become black. Make use of this oil to massage your scalp.

Black Tea

Applying black tea which needs to be without sugar and milk in your hair would benefit you. After applying, it ought to be left for 20-30 minutes after which wash it. It will hide the white color.

Home Remedies For White Hair


It’s a great health supplement which benefits the human body. Consuming adequate amount of fenugreek sprouts daily. Fenugreek paste can also be applied on the hair to prevent premature white hair.


An old remedy our grandmas were always advising for, ghee is ideal for shining hair and prevents whitening of hair. Massage hair with clarified butter two times a week.