Seasonal allergies are the immune system's response to outdoor allergens such as pollen and grass.
The other names for the seasonal allergies are hey fever and allergic rhinitis. When pollen grains grow up in environment in the spring season, then the body immunity becomes extra active to treat these non harmful substances as the harmful ones so as to destroy them. This may be extremely normal for the immune system to become extra active and release the histamine in the body if these foreign substances, counteracted by the body, are the toxic ones.
But here in this case of the non harmful substances ,this become miserable condition for the body and you suffer from itching, watery eyes, runny nose and/or sinus drainage, sore or scratchy throat, and chest tightness, cough or difficulty breathing.
What are the supplements that can counteract the seasonal allergies in an efficient manner?
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine, antioxidant and antitoxi. Increase your vitamin C intake, along with local raw honey intake, and it is worka as well or better than the Allegra with no side effects. Use a combination of Ester-C and Emergen-C.
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)
The sulfur in MSM brings relief of allergy symptoms.
Flavonoids, such as Quercetin
Some study recommends 600-6000mg in divided dose on a empty stomach for allergies. Food sources of flavonoids include: apples, apricots, blueberries, pears, raspberries, strawberries, black beans, cabbage, onions, parsley, pinto beans, and tomatoes. Flavonoids also enhance the effects of vitamin C.
Reishi Mushrooms
Studies have shown the reishi mushrooms may be effective against allergic reactions as well as other health problems.
Common Nettle
Nettle is a natural antihistamine. A number of sources recommend regular use of nettle tea or nettle capsules leading up to and continuing through allergy season.
Mint oils and heat from mint tea or inhaling mint steam help to relax airways and may make breathing easier.
Naturally anti-inflammatory, turmeric may sooth fatigue and aches associated with allergies. Homemade medicine recommends 500 milligrams three times daily.
Rosemary, Ginkgo, Eyebright and Elderflower may also help relieve allergy symptoms.
Name some home remedies for treating the seasonal allergies?
Lime cleansing
Cut a lime in half and squeeze the contents into a cup of warm or hot water. Add 1 tsp. of honey as a sweetener. Drink daily early in the morning.
Local Honey
Purchase honey that is made locally. Take 1 to 2 tsp. daily prior to allergy season to build up immunity levels to the season’s pollen.
Home environment
Do not allow pollen and other airborne particles to enter the home by keeping doors and windows shut. Use an HEPA filter for your air conditioning unit, and change the filter on a regular basis. Bathe outdoor pets often if they come inside.
Neti pot
Mix 8 oz. of water with 1/4 tsp. of non-iodized salt. Stir until the salt is dissolved. Place your finger into the water to make sure the temperature is comfortable to irrigate your nasal passages with. Pour the saline solution into one nostril, cleansing the passageways. Repeat on the second nostril. Repeat daily.
Use spices
Use spices such as chili pepper, hot ginger or onions to clear the passageways and nostrils. Incorporate spices into meals and snacks such as stir fry and chili.
Saltwater rinse
Add 1 tsp. of salt to a cup of hot water. Rinse in mouth to decrease a sore throat caused by post nasal drip. Spit the solution out; do not swallow. Repeat as needed.
Try steam
Float some decongestant flowers or herbs (such as New England Aster or fragrant herbs like eucalyptus or mint) in a bowl of hot water, use a towel over your head to create a tent and breath in the steam.
If you have pets, washing them may help, too, as pollen and other allergens can get caught in their fur
Hard floors are easier to keep clear of allergens than carpets. Mop or vacuum frequently, and make sure your vacuum doesn’t recirculate the dust
Drink plenty of water to thin secretions and help them clear.
Name some foods that alleviate the seasonal allergic symptoms?
- Dairy products, including goat’s milk and yogurt
- Grains, especially gluten rich ones
- Eggs
- Sugar
- Potatoes and other starchy root vegetables
- Deep fried foods, processed foods
Name some foods that help to lessen the seasonal allergic symptoms?
All foods that are fresh, clean and less processed are good in counteracting the seasonal allergies. Load up on the fruits and veggies, which are high in antioxidants and water.
Leafy greens
These foods are loaded with nutrients and trace minerals. The brighter the color of foods, the better the odds of it being high in antioxidants.
Omega 3s
Omega 3 fatty acids are also naturally anti-inflammatory. Some of the best sources of omega 3s are sardines, salmon, flax seeds and walnuts, but they can also be found in other seafood and in pastured animals and products from pastured animals.
Turmeric is just one spice that relieves inflammation. Cinnamon and licorice root (most commonly used in teas) may also ease breathing. Onions, garlic, ginger, horseradish, hot peppers, hot mustard – if it’s strong enough to make you pay attention to the flavor, chances are it’s got compounds such as sulfur, quercetin and other anti-inflammatory.
Probiotic foods
There’s a saying that “all disease begins in the gut”. As we age, we use up our body’s stores of digestive enzymes. Many of us are deficient even when we are younger due to antibiotic use, poor diet, stress and other issues. By rebuilding the beneficial bacteria in our guts, we help our bodies better utilize the food we eat to promote healing and wellness.
Seasonal Allergies Home Remedies
Local, raw honey is a wonderful allergy fighter for many people.
Butterbur is another name for petasites, a shrub with huge leaves. The plant is toxic but some studies show butterbur is effective in treating allergy symptoms.
This is a herbal supplement that has been shown to reduce sinus pain and congestion.
Antioxidant Fruits and Vegetables
Grape seed extract, which can be found in vitamin or health food stores, has been shown to be effective. But in your own refrigerator, apples, bananas and onions have anti-inflammatory properties and help to build up your immune system.