HIIT – Eye Candy Workout

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit

Jun 20, 2012 by Tatianna

Hello my Darlings,

I am finally back with another super awesome HIIT lower body workout routine. I’ve had this workout ready for 3 days now but I couldn’t upload it because this video is connected to my feature video that I’ve done for another channel, and they weren’t planning to upload it until today.

This workout has 2 parts, first part was done in an interval training style and only takes 21 minutes, second part I did for the proper form only ( not time ), but it shouldn’t take you longer than 3 minutes. After this routine I’ve done 3 planks 1 min each and some calf raises. It’s not the hardest workout I’ve ever done but it was a great burn for your legs, butt and thighs and it was very fun!

As always make sure you warm-up before beginning to exercise, always practice the proper form in the mirror ( Proper Exercise Form is what will give you results FAST ), and don’t forget to stretch after!

Workout Explanation

Make sure to watch workout recap part of the video where I go over the proper form of each exercise.

In this routine I was using my Gymboss timer, my 40 lbs versafit bag, a balance ball, one 5 lbs dumbbell and My Pink Lebert .

Part one

This part of the workout is HIIT so set your timer for 20 rounds of 12 seconds ( rest time ) and 53 seconds ( max effort ). There are 5 exercises and you will go through the following sequence 4 times.

  • Weighted Squat March ( feet are closer than shoulder width and don’t’ rush )
  • Weighted Switch Leg Pistol ( don’t rush this movement )
  • Booty Lift on a Balance Ball
  • Twisted Side Lunge Jump ( don’t rush this movement, there is a pause at the end of each side lunge jump )
  • Fire Kicks

Part 2

This part I did only for the Proper Form, there is no need to rush, quality is always better than quantity!

  • Weighted Squats – 60 reps ( try to do it all at once, if you need a quick break than take one but not longer than 10 seconds or so ).

I held my bag a bit different than I usually do ( watch the video ), I noticed it’s much better for the back.

My Scores

1) – 24, 23, 20, 19

2) – 8, 7, 8, 7

3) – 23, 22, 20, 19

4) – 23, 19, 19, 20

5) – 15, 13, 10, 9

Enjoy Your Workout!


PS- And here is my Feature Video For StyleMeFit