Healing With Berries Pt. 2

By Slherrmann
Healing With Berries Pt. 2G'morning everyone...welcome to Part 2 of healing with berries.
If you missed part 1 from yesterday's post, feel free to read that one before this one, or this one before that one...whichever you choose is fine as there is no need for a particular order.
Ready to start healing? Read on then m'friends!
Healing With Berries Pt. 2
Healing With Berries Pt. 2Juniper (juniperus communis)~Juniper is an evergreen shrub that produces blue-black spherical berries. A flavoring for gin, these berries are a powerful detoxifier. They are used to treat cystitis caused by bacterial infection. Juniper promotes the flow of urine, helping to reduce water retention and preventing the formation of kidney stones. Juniper berries stimulate the kidneys and adrenals, purifying the blood. By clearing waste from the body, they help relieve gout. Menstrual flow is promoted by juniper and it can be used to strengthen uterine contractions during labor. ****!if you are pregnant speak to your doctor before using!****
Healing With Berries Pt. 2Wu Wei Zi (schisandra)~The berries from this Chinese vine provide a tonic that rejuvenates the kidneys, immune and nervous systems, circulation and digestion. Strengthening to the adrenals and kidneys, wu wei zi is used to treat hepatitis. Containing more than 30 types of lignans, it protects the liver against toxins and is useful in drug and alcohol detox programs.
The adaptogenic qualities of the herb help it balance the nervous system. It improves mental clarity and reduces irritability and forgetfulness. It also relieves depression, anxiety and sleep disturbed by dreams and is believed to be an aphrodisiac, improving sexual stamina and restoring male libido.
Healing With Berries Pt. 2Elderberries (sambucus nigra)~Clusters of blue-black berries follow the creamy blossoms of eldrflower. They are extremely nutritious, containing vitamins A and C. and viburnic acid, which induces perspiration, helping to sweat out colds and chills. Elderberries' antiviral and anti catarrh properties make them a popular treatment for colds, flu and other respiratory illnesses, especially when taken at the beginning of an infection. Elder's anti-inflammatory action treats neuralgia and sciatica. The berries are also detoxifying for skin conditions such as acne.
Healing With Berries Pt. 2Yew (taxus brevifolia) {NOT FOR HOME USE}~This slow-growing evergreen tree, found mainly in America, has fleshy red berries. All parts of the plant are very poisonous giving rise to many folk legends and superstitions. The poisonous nature of the tree is due to alkaloids and diterpenes.
One diterpene found in yew, taxol, has potent anticancer actions. Taxol from yew is now widely prescribed for the treatment of ovarian and breast cancer. It is also used in some homeopathy treatments.
Healing With Berries Pt. 2Bilberry (vaccinium mytillus)~Bilberries are harvested in late summer from this ground-hugging shrub. The berries are antiseptic, astringent, diuretic and nutritive. They are a circulatory tonic for varicose veins, chilblains and hemorrhoids. Bilberry desserts are a laxative for constipation and can treat diarrhea by inhibiting growth of bacteria. Bilberries are also a useful remedy for premenstrual bloating, and they enhance the micro-circulation of the blood to the eye, reducing eye strain, increasing night vision and retarding cataracts.
Jambul (syzygium cumini)~This tropical berry of Australasia has powerful carminative and astringent properties. It is prescribed by herbalists for treating type-1 diabetes. It lowers blood and urine sugar levels, and reduces the fatigue and increased urination associated with diabetes. It is reputed to be hypoglycemic.
Jambul provides soothing relief from indigestion, gas and stomach cramps. Ti can also be beneficial for treating epilepsy under medical supervision. ****Do Not Use For These Conditions Without First Talking  With Your Doctor****
Blackcurrant (ribes nigrum)~Small, shiny black berries hang down after the flowering of the blackcurrant shrub. They are rich in vitamin C and bioflavoinoids, which increase resistance to infection. Take as a warm cordial to fight winter colds and flu. Blackcurrants also contain proanthocyanidins, which are powerful antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory actions, making them helpful in easing asthma, hay fever and other inflammatory conditions. They have anti laxative properties that ease diarrhea and calm indigestion.
Saw Palmetto (serenoa repens)~The dried berries of this native American herb have traditionally been used as an energy tonic. Their modern application is in treating benign prostate enlargement. Saw palmetto is effective in reducing pain and inflammation. it is also used as a urinary antiseptic for the treatment of cystitis.
Saw palmetto is both nourishing and strengthening. You can use it to aid recovery in wasting illnesses. It builds body tissue, stimulates the appetite and combats debility. It is used to treat male impotence, lack of sex drive and premature ejaculation. I can also help urinary tract inflammation and soothe painful urination.
Raspberry (rubus idaeus)~Succulent, red hairy berries are produced from a prickly shrub. The berries are packed with vitamins A, B1 and C, making them a nutritious summer treat. Juice from the berries makes a pleasant-tasting, fever-reducing remedy for children's chills. The juice also relieves cystitis, indigestion and rheumatic aches and pains. The leaves of the shrub are used to promote labor (Never use with a doctors assistance!)