Good Luck Derek

By Theomnipotentq @TheMightyQuinn
My friend and fellow Red Sox blogger Derek Hixon is retiring today. Or should I say he is retiring his excellent Red Sox blog "SawxBlog," today. Derek put up his final post today, and made an analogy to Jason Varitek about stepping away. (Rumors are now going around that Tek may not be leaving after all. I really hope the rumors aren't true, and Tek walks away with dignity. Like Derek is doing today.)
I had the pleasure of meeting Derek at my Trivia Night last summer, as he came down for a Red Sox game at Professor Thom's. He has always done his blog with intelligence and fairness, and I'll miss his take on our beloved team. We are short one less good Red Sox blogger today, and I am sorry to see that happen.
Good luck Derek, in whatever road you choose to go down.
My friend Chris Jaffe over at the Hardball Times has an interesting article on the upcoming Hall of Fame balloting (which will be announced next Monday), and predicts that just one player will be elected.
And the always fascinating Pete Nash at The Hauls of Shame web site has a review of 2011, and includes stories about the FBI's continuing probe of stolen letters from the New York Public Library and the Hall of Fame's continued refusal to pursue letters stolen from them.