Glastonbury, Here I Come

By Tokkiandoliver @tokkiandoliver
I was thrilled to hear that DH has a gig at Glastonbury (of all places!), so of course I was more concerned about what to wear than I was how we are getting there lol (don't worry it's all sorted). I ho and hummed about what to wear to this haven of music, fashion, and debauchery :)

Initially I was going for a Karl Lagerfield camo dress with my Jeffrey Campbell Marsha Rain Boots (otk wellies) and a cheapy black hooded rain jacket It was going to be a simple, urban camo outfit, no fuss and really just something comfy but I thought slightly fashionable. I was all set until I went shopping with a friend who I'm going to Glastonbury with as well and I made the "mistake" of walking into All Saints. Needless to say that I left a few pennies in there (money from my cruise fund, oops) and the All Saints dress kicked the Karl Lagerfeld's dress back into my closet. The All Saint Amei dress in black is what I'll be rocking at Glastonbury. I love the drapery of it and it's softer than the camo dress despite being black.  I love black, and although this may not be the typical Glastonbury outfit, I have to be true to myself. I've never been and never will be one for flourescent clothes with daisies in my hair :) You can get the Amei dress for £98 in black or £70 in the menthe colour here.

Off to Glastonbury ladies! See you in July x