FUZE Fits !

By Becca1122 @fitnesscrazedd

Usually, I tend to steer away from juices because they often contain alot of sugar. Water is always my go-to. I use to work for a gym, and one day a distributor came by with samples of a drink called Fuze.

I picked out the FUZE Slenderize: Pomegranate Acai- Berry flavor and checked the nutrition facts on the back.

I was surprised to see that the drink contained only 20 calories, 4g Carbohydrates, and 3g sugar. It also contains Vitamins A:C:E. 

Now for the taste check…passed with flying colors! It was delicious!

I only recommend drinking the Fuze Slenderize drinks. Other FUZE flavors are high in sugar and carbs. I also recommend not replacing your water intake with FUZE. FUZE is a good alternative if you want to add a little flavor to your diet occasionally.