Four Ways to Sleep Better with Night Sweats

Posted on the 18 October 2015 by Lynettesheppard @LynetteSheppard

Enjoy this guest post by Renae Farley – and be sure and read to the end for the discount code for Keep the Peace Bedding.

Four Ways to Sleep Better with Night Sweats
By Renae Farley, founder of Keep the Peace Bedding

For women going through menopause, or for people battling cancer or who simply have a different internal thermostat from their partner, night sweats can often be an uncomfortable barrier to getting a good night’s rest – something most of you know all too well!

This problem rang true for me after I got married. My husband would sleep with the door open and just a sheet, but I would need a down comforter to keep me warm. That comforter usually ended up doubled on my side of the bed, and then I would roast and not be able to sleep. Years later, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, the night sweats got worse when my doctors put me on estrogen suppressants. Enter the incessant cycle of throwing off the comforter, only to wake up freezing cold a little while later.

I have interviewed dozens of people over the last seven years, and nearly 85 percent have had the same sleeping issues. One partner sleeps warm and one sleeps cold, and the issues only get worse as women age. One report of more than 2,000 primary care patients found that 40 percent of adults get night sweats at least once a month, a rate that increases in both women and men between 41 and 55.

If you (or your partner) are battling this nocturnal enemy, here are my top tips for coping with night sweats – you’ll note some top docs support my philosophy as well!

Avoid caffeine and alcohol at night: Indulging in a “night cap” can actually make it more difficult to sleep. Drinking alcohol or caffeine before bed has been shown to worsen nocturnal hot flashes and night sweats. Swap your nightly glass of red wine for ice water. Also, skip the Sriracha or other hot sauce with dinner. Spicy foods heat up your internal temperature, contributing to night sweats.

Find custom bedding: Invest in linens that provide options for you and your partner. For example, Keep the Peace Bedding offers several different bedding materials, such as lightweight goose down or bamboo matelassé, that can easily be zipped together so each person is comfortable, or unzipped to make a personal blanket that won’t disturb your partner if you have to flip it on and off. It is used under your regular decorative coverlet. Also consider sheets and sleepwear that are made from special fabrics – I’ll again recommend bamboo –  that wick moisture away from your body.

Make friends with fans: I cannot rest without my celling fan! Cranking the air conditioning might make the room too cold, but a ceiling fan provides just the right amount of cooling and air circulation. I also discovered a great product called the “Portable Cooler,” which is a mini AC fan. I have used it for months, and it really works! You simply wet a sponge, place it inside the unit and say, “ahhhh.” I keep it on my nightstand, and when I wake up to a night sweat, I use it on my face for instant relief.

Tap into your breath: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) says “slow, rhythmic deep breathing” can help calm hot flashes and night sweats.

There is no silver bullet that will completely eradicate nocturnal night sweats, but with these strategies, I have managed to get better shut-eye and keep the peace in the process.

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I am offering a special “shop for a cause” promotion on all Keep the Peace Bedding products for the month of October. When you give the gift of tranquil, restorative sleep to yourself or a loved one, you’ll save 10% on your order. That 10% will then be donated to help patients currently battling breast cancer. Simply customize your order and use code “bcawareness” at checkout.