Five Natural Beauty Pick-me-ups

By Rebecca_sands @Rebecca_Sands

I am fascinated by the beauty sections of department stores. Give me the beauty section over fashion any day. The idea of smooth, ripe, plump skin made even lovelier by the different hues and tones make up can offer seems awesome to me. I love moisturisers, creams, oils, lotions and bubble baths. I also love candles, aromatherapy and beautifully-scented perfumes. However, after being a habitual trier-and-tester of various brands and products (I use Nimue now after a session with a dermatologist, which works for me for now), I’ve found that actually, the best thing that you can do beauty-wise starts from within.

Here’s five of my favorite natural beauty pick-me-ups.

A steam cleanse

Gently steaming your skin is an amazing way to refresh it, cleansing the pores and unveiling skin which sparkles from the inside out. Steam cleansing can come in various forms and is highly detoxifying for your pores. I now do 30-degree heat yoga (you can read about it here), which is all I really need to do now in the way of steam cleansing. It’s not necessary using steam, but the idea is to allow your pores to open and sweat any toxins. The skin feels far clearer and more renewed afterwards. Particularly if you suffer from annoying hormonal break outs like I do. Another great way to get a similar result is by spending 15 minutes in a steam room or sauna. I tend to prefer saunas because it allows the skin to sweat, whereas steam rooms really just open the pores. Alternatively you can try an at-home facial steam system or get a professional facial if you prefer, and have the spare cash.

Get great sleep

Sleep is one of those things that cannot be replicated through any beauty product. If you’re not sleeping well, it shows. If you’re having sleep issues, check out my post from earlier this week about natural remedies to help with getting a great night’s sleep. If you’re sleep deprived and you can’t help it, try a 20-minute nap. If you’re still having trouble, seek professional advice. Tired skin shows, whereas sleep-filled skin can’t help but sparkle from within. And if all else fails, a session of meditation can compare with a bit of sleep to feel fresher!

Practice relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation

Unfortunately, there’s no real quick fix to great skin. Sure, there are products that can supplement good skin, but it really does come from the inside out. A daily relaxation practice such as yoga and meditation can help you feel less stressed on the inside, which shows on the outside. If you’re not into yoga or meditation, try a different sport or simply spend some quiet time each day doing something you love and which relaxes you.

Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables 

Again, there’s no quick fix to great skin and no matter which nutrients you massage into your skin via face creams and cleansers, putting the right nutrients into your body is the best and the fastest way to ensure clear, bright skin. It’s generally advisable to eat a rainbow of colours of fruits and vegetables to make sure you’re getting a variety of the right vitamins and minerals.

Watch your liquid intake

Too much of anything is bad (even carrots, which are said to turn your skin orange if you eat too many of them – it’s called carotenosis. Yes, really!). Equally, too much indulgence in caffeine, alcohol and sugary drinks are very likely to play havoc with your skin. The best drinks for a flawless face include, of course, water; but also green tea and other herbal teas, and green smoothies or juices - preferably full of leafy green vegetables, berries, herbs such as mint. Green smoothies or juices can be mixed up with other fruits and vegetables like celery, cucumber, beetroot and banana. Ingest one of these on a daily basis and your skin will glowingly thank you.

What are your favorite natural beauty pick-me-ups?