Fitness Friday Your Significant Other

By Fitnspicy @fitnspicy

Going to the gym has been part of my routine for the last 10+ years. I started out going to the Rec Center at the U of M, joining Bally’s during my senior year of college and staying there for a few years and then joining Lifetime Fitness in 2007. I added a yoga membership in May of 2012, having purchased packages for years it just made sense to make it a priority.

Having my husband be just as involved in fitness as I am was really important to me. Scott isn’t always as diligent but he does work outside all day and is pretty active. Thankfully he does make a point to come with me 2-3 times a week.

It can be challenge when one person is really involved in a healthy lifestyle and the other would rather lay on the couch. A few tips on making fitness a priority for everyone:

  • Have a family membership, it  can help save money versus 2 separate memberships and if I am paying for something I am going to use it!
  • Go together. If it is possible go in the morning together or for an hour on a Saturday or Sunday.
  • Sign up for a class or activity that your significant other is interested, you might end up really liking it.
  • Treat the gym like an appointment. I schedule workouts and really try my best not to miss them.
  • Set a goal for both of you and pick a reward that you will both enjoy. Travel always works for me  
  • Keep one fitness related thing as something you do by yourself, Scott will go biking and I have yoga. It gives us some alone time to do something we enjoy.