Fitness Friday and Sunshine Award

By Fitnspicy @fitnspicy

It has been years since I’ve done one of these survey’s and when Danielle nominated me I knew I needed to jump on the bandwagon.

Here are the rules:

1. Include award logo in a post or on your blog. 
2. Link to the person who nominated you.
3. Answer 10 questions about yourself. 
4. Nominate 10 bloggers to receive the award- I am being bad and breaking that rule  

Here are the questions Becki picked:

1. When is your favorite time of day to work out?
Early morning. My alarm goes off around 5am and I need to get my workout done early in the day during the week or it will not happen! Weekends I am usually head to the gym or yoga between 7-9am.

2. What is something you never thought you’d be able to do, but you’ve accomplished in spite of the obstacles?

This is a hard question! It has been a very challenging year and right now I am just happy to say I am taking one day at a time and trying to focus on the positive. (Those challenges: health issues for Scott, other medical issues, house drama, one of our dogs being attacked and severely injured & general life stress)

3. Do you have a go-to splurge item (specific food, clothing store, electronics, anything!)? What is it and when do you have it?

Wine and cheese, I could live on it. And workout clothes/shoes, granted I do buy them all on sale but I have a ton of both.

4. How do you make time for yourself?

Workouts. That is my time to get out of my head and just zone out. Listen to music, read a magazine, do yoga, some cardio and lift weights.

5. Where would you live if money were no object?

New York City or constantly traveling around the world.

6. Who is your go-to person for advice when you’re trying to make a tough decision?

Scott, Jess, Bridget, and Stacey

7. What is the strangest food or fitness trend you’ve tried?

Smoothies or juicing. I love both but people at work laugh at my green smoothies.

8. What are you most looking forward to in the next 12 months?

Possible vacation in November, friends wedding in Hawaii, and it would be even better if we had an uneventful 12 months. The last year and a half have been crazy enough!

9. What is your favorite childhood memory or family tradition?

St. Nick’s in early December, common in Eastern Wisconsin and I love the thought that goes into small stocking gifts.

10. Do you follow a strict food and fitness plan or wing it?

Wing it. I have my workout plans (mix of cardio/weights and yoga) but I just try to eat healthy and stay active. I don’t count calories, or deny myself anything. I truly believe everything in moderation. But I do eat a ton of fruit, veggies and lean protein.

After my lackluster week of motivation last week I felt so much better this week. I got all my workouts in and remember why I love it so much. Sometimes you just have off weeks.

Sunday: Off, but tons of walking around

Monday: Cardio and Weights

Tuesday: Cardio and Weights. I went in the evening since I could not get out of bed in the morning, and it was so crazy busy. I will stick to my morning workouts! Way less people.

Wednesday: Off

Thursday: Yoga Sculpt. Oh how I missed it. It had been a week and a half since I had last been and I was feeling it (darn you travel making me miss sculpt!)

Friday:  Cardio and Weights and I may do a cycling class.

I can’t say enough how much better I feel. Thank goodness for being back in my workout groove.