Fitness Equipment On A Budget

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit

Apr 22, 2012 by Tatianna

Hi everyone,

Today I wanted to make this mini post about homemade exercise equipment. I understand that not everyone is able to afford the equipment that I use, because it can be quite pricey. But any of you can actually make one at home for very small price. Below I’ve embedded some videos from YouTube of the homemade exercise equipment similar to what I use in my workouts.

You already know that to substitute for a Lebert Equalizer that I use you can use 2 chairs and a broom stick like I show you in ” Love Your Body Workout  ” post, but you can also build a dip bar from pipes you can get at home depot store. I want everyone to be able to workout and not slow down from the lack of exercise equipment. You don’t need fancy things to get in shape, you just need your imagination and some instructional videos .

I attached several videos this way you can get different ideas.

If you click on the link in the videos, it will take you to the channel of the people who created these videos, some of them also have websites you can check out as well.

How To Make Dip Bars ( or Lebert Equalizer )

How To Make Bulgarian bag ( VersaFit bag which is what I use is very similar to Bulgarian Bag, but not quite like the Sand Bag ).

This first video was made by a blogger friend of mine Troy from Cube Dweller Fitness.

How To Make A Jump Rope

How To Make A Medicine Ball


PS – If any of you guys find blog posts or interesting videos about homemade fitness equipment please post the links in the comment section .