February – Week 1 in Review

By Paceofme

As I mentioned in my last post, I am using a new system to stay on top of and track my progress towards my goals and vision for my life in 2017 and beyond. I broke my goals down so that I have concrete things to shoot for this month, and then each week I think about the small steps I will take to make my way there.

So far, so good.

This was a really good week for me, a great start to the month of February. I set out the week with the following goals. This is what they were and how I did with them.

  • Stay on top of my nutrition, and record data for Tawnee. My blood sugar has been higher than normal and my body has been healing from adrenal insufficiency – all lingering effects from over training. Tawnee is helping me figure all of this out and heal. Some of this involves my nutrition. I am following her protocol (which as of right now is essentially avoiding processed sugars and being mindful about eating frequently enough, having proper-for-me portion sizes, and making sure I am getting enough healthy carbs to reduce stress). I had a call with her this week and will be recording my nutrition in My Fitness Pal for her along with keeping a spreadsheet of relevant and helpful data (fasting blood sugar, resting heart rate (which I get from my Garmin), heart rate variability (I use the ithlete HRV finger sensor every morning), weight and body fat percentage). At her suggestion, I am looking at this as a sort of science experiment, and as empowering myself with knowledge that can help me – and her – to get me feeling better, stronger and healthier! I stayed on track this week and am feeling good about it. My next call with Tawnee is in a month and we will have lots of information to look at.
  • Stay on top of my hydration, making sure to drink a minimum of 80 oz of water each day. I have rocked this – drinking most days between 90-100 ounces. I know they say you should have half your body weight in ounces per day, but when you exercise you need more – and I am exceeding that consistently. I fill my HydroFlask bottles in the morning and put warm water or herbal tea in them, which helps me make sure to drink even on the coldest days.
  • Exercise every day, in one way or another, as long as it feels good and right to do so. Make decisions based on how I am feeling, and based on the data from my heart rate variability and resting heart rate. I have stuck to this goal – some days it meant going for a walk instead of swimming. This week I did the elliptical twice and I am REALLY happy because a couple months ago I couldn’t walk or do the elliptical without my foot hurting! Progress that makes me so so happy.
  • Write two blog posts. Well, this is the second one! Woot!
  • Practice Pilates for a minimum of 5 minutes a day. I didn’t do more than 10 minutes any single day, but that is a.o.k with me. Goal met!
  • MELT/foam roll/do PT for my foot and body every day. Also committed to this and it felt great. I even took a MELT class again this week, which I truly loved. I am totally fascinated by our connective tissue.
  • Make time for mind/body/meditation/relaxing for at least three days this week. I accomplished this goal too! I spent 10 minutes or so in the sauna a couple of days, did the MELT class, read a lovely book, did my needlepoint. I actually committed to this in little ways every day and it is amazing to me how much this matters.
  • Choose a fabric for the sofa we are having reupholstered. Done! My in-laws very graciously gifted us the work as a holiday gift and are paying an upholsterer to fix a little sofa we have had for years. We need to pay for and pick out the fabric and I was feeling stress over this! I got it done though and am so happy with it.
  • Text our babysitter so I can plan a date with Robert this month. Done! Date is scheduled for Feb 18th
  • Plan a date with Abby. Done! We are going to have a girl date on Feb 25th. I think we are going to go see the movie “Lion” but we may go get our nails done instead. I am letting her decide!
  • Have lunch date with Gus. Done! Gus turned 6 this week (I can’t believe it!) and I went to have lunch with him and his buddies at school. It was so fun!
  • Do three strength workouts with Robert. Technically we did work out three mornings together, but one of the workouts we actually split in half and did on two mornings, so we didn’t do all three workouts we had planned. We just were on the struggle bus with this this week but we were on it together so it’s all good!

That’s it! I am looking forward to next week and continuing with this process. I’m reading a great book by Gretchen Rubin called Better Than Before. It’s all about habits and happiness. I heard her speak with Tina Muir on Runner’s Connect recently and was so inspired and comforted by their discussion. Have you ever read this book? Did you listen to Tina’s podcast? If not I definitely recommend it.

I hope everyone had a great first week of February, and that you are looking forward to the week ahead! I am heading out for a walk in the sunshine now. It is a beautiful day to be outside!