Extrinsic Motivation

By Anytimeyoga @anytimeyoga

When I get home from school, the first thing I do is let the dogs out. While they are outside, I change out of my school clothes, into my yoga clothes, and unroll my mat.

An extraneous photo of one Actual Dog. The other Actual Dog got wise and ran away from the camera.


Then I let the dogs back in.

And they run to my mat.

You see, this is also the time of day where they get chew bones. They love chew bones. And they are masters of conditioning. They love when I come home, of course. They like going outside to pee and play. But seeing my yoga mat makes my dogs lose their shit.

I can disappoint many people in the world — but not my dogs. Never my dogs.

So, they get their chew bones, and I practice.