Everything Will All Work out in the Long Run - Dave Urwin Book Review

By Jamesrichardadams @jamesradams

It was about a year ago that a chap called dAVE uRWIN emailed me asking for a quote or two on the Barkley Marathons. He was interviewing Forzen Ed Furtaw about the race. I looked him up on facebook and saw we had a couple of mutual friends so figured he's probably not an axe murderer and I am in New Zealand anyway so he is unlikely to do any damage from there.

I wrote him a couple of quotes and sent them over to him and noticed that we now had 7 mutual friends. I befriended him on facebook with a feeling that I'll be hearing a lot more from this guy.

In the following months I had conversations with others as to who this Dave Urwin was. He just seemed to spring out the ground one day and waltzed straight into the ultra running club (tbh the bouncers at that  club are a bit useless, no speed and even if they did catch someone they are so light and breezy they just get swatted off). Anyway, where was I?

Ahhh yes Dave Urwin. When I actually got to meet him I think we had over 50 muual facebook friends. I knew quite quickly that there was something very interesting behind this mans eyes. His arrival and immediate imersion into ultra running suggested that this world was doing a lot of good things for him. Perhaps things that he really needed.

And I was delighted to see that he then put it all down on paper (not one of those stupid ebooks) and it really is a gripping read. Dave is a fantastic writer, very funny guy and he has a really brilliant story to tell.

I won't say too much about the detail of the story. It is a mixture of him running various ultra races and recalling his time travelling, working, not working, eating, not eating and so forth. It was really uplifting to read what ultra running can mean to a person and how it can help someone find out what the important things in life are. If you are interested in buying it contact Dave through his facebook page here.