Eagle Pose, Chair Edition

By Anytimeyoga @anytimeyoga

The last installment of the hip series looked at eagle pose. There were a few variations for arm and leg positions. However, all of those positions assumed a standing pose, which is not ideal for everyone.

I hesitated to include a chair option at the time because a lot of the chair modifications I see look at the arms only — which is not terrible but also not terribly helpful in a series that’s focusing on the hips.

So I was happy to find this:

[Yoga with Lucia for Grandmother Hen. Video via YouTube.]

The same adduction movement is happening with the top leg. I’m guessing that the overall work on the adductor is less in the seated version than in the standing version because the amount of “hugging to the midline” necessary to maintain balance is also less. That said:

  1. I may be wrong.
  2. Sometimes less work is the right amount of work.