Down To Four

By Theomnipotentq @TheMightyQuinn
Mother Nature didn't cooperate on Friday night in New York, and the Red Sox and Yankees were rained out and will now play a day/night doubleheader on Sunday. They will play at 1:05 PM and 6:35 PM.
The Blue Jays beat the Rays in St. Pete, 5-1, so the Red Sox Magic Number is now down to four. So all the Red Sox have to do is win four of their remaining six games, and it won't matter what either the Rays or Angels do.
Jon Lester will pitch for the Sox tomorrow against Freddy Garcia (Friday night's matchup), and the twinbill on Sunday will have Tim Wakefield and John Lackey (what a combo) going up against Ivan Nova and A.J. Burnett.
Wonder if Lackey will face Burnett? That epic matchup should produce double figures for both teams before the third inning.