Derek Jeter Says He Wasn’t Great. So What Was He?

By Meachrm @BaseballBTYard

This year’s lead-up to the MLB All-Star Game had several tribute stories about Derek Jeter.  One was an interview where the interviewer described Jeter as “great.”  Jeter responded by saying, “I am not great.  I’ve had confidence in myself and I was consistent.  I also worked very, very hard”  

A simple description that says a lot about Derek Jeter as a person and the game as well.

To be successful at anything, especially something as hard as baseball, those three things – confidence, consistency, and a strong work ethic – will take you very far.  Add to that enough talent (notice how I didn’t say “incredible” talent) and you’ll have a chance at greatness.

Tomorrow’s post: Games with no coaches