Daily Chase: Vol. 7

By Locutus08 @locutus08

It was a busy day, between work, course prep, and the epicurean railing off to NYC for a quick meeting, but my streak remains solid, albeit a bit boring. We are slowly approaching the half-way point in January, and with it, the inevitable decline of active folks who set out to change their health and fitness in the new year, and are now encountering the struggles of scheduling and everyday life. Regardless of what I think about new years resolutions in general, now is the time to dig a bit deeper and re-commit each day to the change you want to see in yourself. Life will continue to get in the way, so it’s up to us to make activity, in whatever manner you choose, a priority!

Chasing42 Log: 20160113

Run: 4.5 mile around the neighborhood. I didn’t have time for the distance I wanted/needed but I maximized my time and I was happy with that fact!

Thought: My run yesterday was about as boring as it could get with loops around the neighborhood and even several “repeats” up and down my own street because it sits on a bit of an incline. This got me thinking about “boring” runs . I’ve commented on numerous occasions about how much I love running in new and interesting places and taking in the scenery. I can get lost in a new location or even a local trail and run for hours, simply enjoying the environment, the sounds, the smells, and the light bouncing off the leaves and filtering through the trees. However, I realized yesterday that familiar or seemingly “boring” runs have their role to play as well. I can focus all of my energy on my body, breathing, pace, mechanics, and look for new ways to push myself on stretches of road that I know I’ll be on again. I might not like the scenery nearly as much (especially in my neighborhood), but I love the outcome! Happy running all- keep #chasing42!