Daily Chase: Vol. 24

By Locutus08 @locutus08

The weekend ended up being a bit of a haphazard blur. Although things certainly didn’t go accordingly to plan, the end result was still something positive! We were having some plumbing issues with our shower drain, so I called someone out to snake it on Friday. However, what began as a simple drain cleaning turned into a host of issues and a significant portion of our water pipes being replaced. The epicurean and I have had plenty of experience with previous homeowners doing a poor job with repair projects, and this was yet another example of work that wasn’t done right the first time. Unfortunately, we seem to keep paying for these mistakes. This meant I was unable to use the shower on Saturday morning before work, so my regularly scheduled run was off the table. It was certainly an odd feeling to be sitting at home working on class prep early on a Saturday morning instead of out running, but flexibility is an important trait to possess, right? We weren’t able to have a plumber out until Sunday afternoon, which made things a bit interesting for the weekend, but we can now be sure that our plumbing is in excellent shape, and will last us for a long time to come. I just wish these valuable pieces of mind didn’t cost so much money :)

Chasing42 Log: 20160206 & 20160207

Run: I couldn’t head out for my regularly scheduled Saturday morning run, but I was quite antsy after working all day Saturday so I decided to go out for a short run anyway (a little plumbing problem wasn’t going to end my streak!). What started out as an easy run around the neighborhood turned into a longer tempo run with the final mile culminating in a new mile PR. I certainly wasn’t expecting the speed, especially since I was searching out as many hills as I could, but it made me feel a whole lot better! I managed an awkward sponge bath in the kitchen sink when I got back, but was definitely worth it. On Sunday, I got the plumbers squared away, and then met up with a friend for a longer run. He took me on some paved trails I hadn’t explored yet, and pushed the pace a bit (as I was hoping he would do). The hills and the pace, after such a fast run the night before, definitely caught up to me but the end result was a fantastic workout so I couldn’t have been happier with the weekend!

Thought: Now that the epicurean and I have purchased two houses and discovered plenty of issues in both that weren’t caught by the inspection, I’ve been wondering much more why inspectors aren’t allowed to do a more thorough job. Your house is most likely the largest purchase you will ever make, with enough moving parts and potential problems to make your head spin, and yet you aren’t allowed to give it more than a cursory glance. I can more thoroughly inspect a pair of shoes than I can a house. This simply makes no sense to me. I absolutely understand that all houses will have some issues, but there are enough shoddy contractors and wannabe DIYers that I’m hard-pressed to trust anyone when they say they’ve disclosed every issue. It’s a sad reality that people lie so easily and so readily, but it also means the justification for a more thorough inspection is clearly warranted. There is no doubt some ridiculous red-tape bureaucratic  reason, but that doesn’t make swallowing the added surprises expenses incurred by someone else’s stupidity any easier. It’s just one of the many questions I have as I keep #chasing42!