Celebrating Boston & Patriots Day On Wednesday

By Theomnipotentq @TheMightyQuinn

This Wednesday night, April 19th, Trivia will be happening at Professor Thom's, in the second floor Loft, with "Boston Trivia," seven questions about the great city to the northeast of us, in honor of Patriots Day and the running of the Boston Marathon. The Q Train lightning round will be "US States Nicknames Trivia." I will give you 10 famous nicknames associated with states of our great country and you have to name that state.
The Sneak Peek question for this week is:
"The entire length of the Erie Canal runs through what US state?"

We'll get going at 8:30 PM on Wednesday. We will be up in the Loft once again, as the Bruins have a playoff game that night. Things have gone very well in the two weeks we have been up there, but unfortunately, space is at a premium, so I urge you to get in as early as possible to assure a seat. As you know, we will be in the Loft as long as there are playoff games on Wednesday nights for the Bruins and Celtics. So I hope to see many of you on Wednesday night for another great night of Trivia Q&A!