Catherine's Positive Beauty Pledge

By Kittyfairy @KittyFairy
Hey guys,
Well, it's week two of our Positive Beauty Pledge (have you made your pledge yet??), and this week's Pledge is the beautiful Catherine, from MakeUp, Calories  and Rambles and if you don't believe me about how beautiful this girl really is, then you really need to keep reading :) Here we go:
I promise not to judge anybody: 
  • on the way they look
  • on their clothes
  • makeup
  • tall / short
  • thin / big
  • pale /olive
  • brown / purple / pink / green / redhead / blonde / black
  • never judge a book by its cover.

I promise not to judge myself as harshly has I have in the past; to realize I'm not perfect and don't need to be, and stop thinking that when people look at me they see the flaws first, when they don't.

I promise to forget the harsh words ringing in my ears, to remember they don't know the person you are today, and when people say things now about you, ignore them, you know the truth.


What are you doing in this picture?

This photo was taken October 2009 in the New Forest.

Why don't you like it?

I didn't want my mom to take it and she took it without me knowing. I dislike it because it shows me just how fat I got.

Is there anything you like about the picture?

I like that fact because it reminds me never to let myself go that far again.


When was this picture taken?

This was taken October 2010 in the New Forest.

What are you doing in this picture?

My mom had cornered me to take a picture again! this time because she wanted me to see the difference a year had made.

Why do you prefer this picture to the first one?

I love this picture, because I look happier, healthier and just more like the me I am now :). 

Has comparing how you feel about both of these pictures made you realize anything about how you view yourself?

Now I've compared the two many many times, and everytime it makes me see I just seemed to not know how big I was in picture 1, but in picture 2 makes me see that I'm not that bad.

Give us an example of someone that you consider to be "unconventionally" beautiful:

Hayley Williams, lead singer of Paramore (''emo'' ''punk'' band)

Why do you consider her to be "unconventional"?

When I first read this task, I knew Hayley was the perfect choice, so many people see people who dye their hair every color under the sun and like ''emo'' music and black clothes and lace etc (like me) as ''ugly'' but Hayley has shown its not ''ugly'' and was one of the first women to show that :).

Why do you think she is beautiful?
I think that she's beautiful because she doesn't try to be, doesn't say she is, and doesn't care if someone says something nasty about her :)

Final Thoughts

This is a wonderful idea Kat and i'm so thrilled to do it :) x

Thanks very much to Catherine for taking part. You are now the proud owner of a Positive Beauty Bade, to display wherever you fancy showing it off, proudly.

If you want to take the Positive Beauty Pledge, and join in the campaign encouraging women (and men) to believe in themselves, throw an email over to