Jan 21, 2012 by Tatianna
I have a fun new workout for you today
I am going to pick back up with my split routines next week, still working on figuring out the formats, but I think I finally came to a decision of making some workouts UNCUT and some edited ( the longer routines ). Thank you to everyone who commented and helped me make that decision on my Facebook. ( add me as a friend by the way if you want to keep up with updates ).
Always make sure you do a proper warm up before beginning to exercise.
For today’s routine I was using my timer as a stopwatch, an 8 lbs medicine ball, and a balance pad ( you don’t need that, I was only using it for a little more resistance ).
The workout video and workout recap video are together ( I think I like this format better ) so just fast forward.
Workout Explanation
Set your timer as a stopwatch. There are 8 exercises and 3 rounds total of the following routine.
- 2way push up – 10 reps on each side
- High Knees – 80 reps
- Skier Push-up and 2 Kick backs – 10 reps
- Explosive Dynamic Squat & Pulse – 15 reps
- Push-Offs S&M – 10 reps
- Speed Tucks – 10 reps
- Close Grip Explosive Push Ups – 12 reps ( I was doing them off my knees, cause it’s the only way I can finish the whole 12 reps )
My time for this workout was 26 minutes and 34 seconds.
Share your time!