Can’t Break Me Upper Body Workout Challenge

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit

Jul 7, 2014 by Tatianna

Happy Monday my Lovies!

I’m so happy to have a new Workout for you, this is actually a Workout Challenge for the Upper Body & Core. The difference between a full workout and a challenge workout is the amount of exercises. In full workouts I add more exercises and challenge workouts are more mentally challenging but fewer exercises. But, don’t think it’s going to be easy, nothing is easy when it comes to my workouts, but I just have a talent to make it look easy LOL big time.

For all the Newbies to Loving Fit

If you are new to Loving Fit I recommend to check out ” Creating Your Workout Plan ” post. There you will be able to see how I put together my routines, and you can find something for your own fitness level. My philosophy is: Form is always more important than speed, so WATCH YOUR FORM!

Things to remember before, during and after your workout

  1. Warm-Up
  2. Always Practice Good Form
  3. Stretch