Booty Booty Me Workout

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit

Nov 11, 2011 by Tatianna

As you can already tell by the name of this workout, this routine is primarily focused on the booty . It is about 20 minutes long, 19 to be exact, and as you already know I always do about 10 minutes of moderate cardio afterwards.

The only thing you will need for this routine is a pair of dumbbells, a Gymboss Max timer, and a mat.
At the end of the workout video, I also decided to do a little commentary in Russian from the request of my Russian subscribers .

Booty Booty Me Workout Video

Workout Recap & Beginner Variations

Workout Explanation

Set your timer ( I am using Gymboss Max ) for two intervals of 10 seconds rest, and 45 seconds of maximum effort, for the total of 20 rounds. You will do 5 different exercises, and you will go through this sequence 4 times.

The goal of the workout is not the quantity of reps, but the quality of each and every single rep, so don’t run through the workout, work through it!

  • Side Step With Dumbbells ( stay as low as you can throughout the interval )
  • Kick Back Plank Jumps ( also don’t rush through this movement, and try not to take any breaks )
  • Side Lunge Jump up & Kick up
  • Dumbbell Swing ( or a kettlebell if you have one )
  • Dive Bomber on Dumbbells & Shoulder Press ( both count as one rep )

For my moderate 10 min cardio, I set my timer for 2 intervals of 5 seconds rest and 55 seconds moderate interval, and I alternated between low knees skipping and leg lifts ( also used ankle weights on my legs which were 2.5 lbs each )

My scores for this workout

1) 20, 19, 17, 17

2) 21, 20, 18, 18

3) 8, 8, 8, 7

4) 23, 22, 20, 19

5) 6, 6, 6, 5

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