Book Club for Menopause Goddesses

Posted on the 17 August 2018 by Lynettesheppard @LynetteSheppard

Girlfriends © lynette sheppard

Today’s post highlights two wonderful books that should live on every Menopause Goddess’s bookshelf. After she reads them, of course. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

From Dinner Date to Soulmate

Cynthia Spillman, Founder of the International Dating Academy, wrote this insightful (and often hilarious) guide to “dating” for the mature woman. Not every midlife woman has a mate – how do we go about navigating the dating world once again? How do we avoid past mistakes – and future ones?

Cynthia is a take-no-prisoners advisor. She demystifies dating and relationships for the Second Half of life. She starts at the most important juncture: creating a new relationship with your self.

Our menopause goddess group devoted long hours to relationships, whether with our longtime intimates or in the uncertain world of ‘dating’. We came to the same conclusion as Cynthia has: we needed to establish a new relationship with ourselves FIRST. Only then, could we begin to craft new ones with our partners, children, and new friends.

This is more than an inspirational guide – although it surely qualifies as that. This is a workbook that sets you on the path of becoming your best self and then finding another best as potential partner.

I loved this book – and I did the exercises for ME, even though I am married already to my soulmate. Besides, she made me laugh out loud, so I would have read the book for that alone.

Her book is available on Amazon: click here.

Come Back Strong: Balanced Wellness After Surgical Menopause by Lori Ann King

If menopause is an ever increasing set of symptoms and confusing emotions, then surgical menopause is like being dropped off a cliff into the worst of the Big M. Without warning. Without preparation.

Lori Ann King’s book addresses preparation for surgical menopause – a sort of parachute for the drop off the cliff. More than that, she focuses on “wellness” in the realms of general menopause maladies. She offers tips for complementary medicine and lifestyle changes. Her recommendations are helpful for any menopausal woman, not just those who undergo surgical menopause.

Lori Ann doesn’t stop there – like many of us, she knows that menopause heralds a new beginning. Our second Act can be our most fulfilling, our most vibrant, our best years ever. She offers a blueprint for getting there.

Her book is available on Amazon: click here.