Bliss Reset, Posture, and Chai

By Healingyoga

There's nothing quite like experiencing the unexpected. I took this picture during one of my hikes this weekend because I was just tickled to find a flower sprouting in such an unlikely place at such an unlikely time. 

It makes me laugh because there's such joy and possibility and openness in not knowing and yet we want so badly to know what's going to happen next (and we'll go to great lengths to make plans and lock things in), to know how our lives are going to go. But in that place of not knowing, of simple surrender to the moment, we find beauty, love, suprises, aliveness. I have no idea what's coming next for me, but I'm quite sure that there will be many flowers popping up. And for this, my gratitude from the holiday continues.

Here are a few surprises for you -- they cropped up unexpectedly for me, and I wanted to share them with you: