Bewitching Words of Wisdom: LaWanna Rine- Live the Life YOU Were Created to Live!

By Bethschreibmangehring

My father said to me once a very long time ago...."Dear, you're very strange...but that's ok, because it takes wierd people like you to make some things happen in this world " He passed from this earth plane this week and since I've felt him strongly in everything I've done. In his memory I'd made the decision to reclaim my "oddness", and put it to use in the world in a way that perhaps could make a difference. Wouldn't you know in that spirit I received a phone call this morning from one of my greatest teachers ...a fabulous woman named LaWanna Rine whose entrance into my life was such a powerful blessing so many decades ago. She's 86 years young and still is one of my greatest teachers.

 She told me she'd written something and she asked my help to put it out there into the Universe. Here it is below, not a moment too soon for us I think. We are in the midst of interesting times, but if we're open to the energies around us amazing things can happen for us all. Remember...It's really only and always about how well and how much you allow yourself to be open to LOVE.....


6-4-2012 - Full Moon Eclipse bringing in The Divine Feminine Balance

6-6-2012- Venus in transit- Integration with Sirius and The Pleiadian Alliance heralding the Full Return of the Golden Dolphin Energy!

"Live the life you were created to live….

When God’s first breath entered you at the moment of Birth- Each of you were given a gift to share with the Universe.  The last Golden Age is here- Glow Wo-Man GLOW!

Let’s start anew- Let the instructions we honor be based upon logic and common sense. Since the words “I AM” are the two most used and powerful in any language- I call that feeling of Love I feel when I thank God, when I look at nature, the moon, the sun, the Love that surrounds me and fills my heart with Gratitude.  I feel this presence coming Alive within me- So I am always say my I AM Presence – That way I identify with God power- God Illumination, God LOVE- I can’t respond to a white robed figure sitting somewhere in the sky -on a throne-Judging me-

The feeling of GOD LOVE so saturates my every cell- I know my body is my Temple!

Many years ago I lived in Pain and was told by many doctors – I couldn’t live- I went home from the hospital with no intention of ever going back-

I saw a purple flower and I was inspired to destroy all the black in my wardrobe- and focus on the Color Purple as I had a fire pit outside- I would focus on the Violet Blaze and lit candles with a Violet Flame- The more I wore Purple or Violet and ate Purple colored foods such as  Blueberries , Purple onions etc- The pain started leaving my body-

I found a book on Breathing- was inspired to take Yoga and was invited to teach Yoga on TV- I wore Violet Leotards- encourage students to focus on the Purple candle- There were write-ups in the newspapers about me- The Purple Lady-

So since the 60’s I have walked and talked the Path of the Violet Flame- The doctors have passed- I am 86 years young- I AM Presence fills me with the Violet Flame- And I AM so excited to share my secret with the universe so we can welcome this year 2012 into the New Golden Age with Eternal Life and Eternal Youth  !"

 LaWanna can be reached always with love at 330-878-7379