Best Beauty DIY Ever? I Think So!

By Fashionlushxx @fashionlushxx

Lately I have noticed my lips are dryer than normal and I needed to deal with it… stat! When your skin is dry and not looking it’s best, you exfoliate- so why not do the same for your lips? This DIY project for sugar lip scrub is probably one of my favorite creations. It left my lips feeling softer, silkier, and even a little plumper than usual. All good things, and it makes applying lipstick MUCH easier.

Gather your ingredients: 1 tablespoon of pure coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, mixing bowl, measuring cups & spoons, an empty jar (either empty an old lip gloss or use a baby food jar).

Step 1: Mix together your honey and coconut oil until smooth.

Step 2: Gently pour in your brown sugar and fold it into your coconut/honey mixture.

Step 3: Pour your mixture into your jar.

How to use: First you want to put your lip scrub in the fridge to let it set, also if kept in the fridge it will last for 2-3 weeks. Before use, let it sit at room temperature until it is soft enough to scoop up. Next, rub it on your lips in a circular motion for 60 seconds or so. Rinse off with warm water and a towel.

TaDahhh! Softest lips ever. Trust me…