Ayurveda believes that hair fall control is very much associated to the body type and also the stability of your mind-body structure.
Ayurveda is one of the oldest forms of remedy in case of various abnormalities and illness also it has existed for a very long time. More and More people are turning towards Ayurveda for their hair loss problem. Hair loss can be embarrassing and hamper one’s self esteem and confidence. When treated early hair loss can be reduced and even stopped completely. The traditional art of ayurveda is used to cure various diseases like the hair loss, arthritis and thus, it is highly valued in nearly all parts of the world.
Ayurveda considers the hair like a byproduct for bone formation. The tissues that are responsible for formation of bones will also be responsible for your hair growth. Hair fall is considered to be a problem of pitta dosha in Ayurveda and excess of Pitta dosha within the body is the chief cause of hair problems.
Ayurvedic hair loss treatment measures are known for their effectiveness. Usually the Ayurvedic treatment for hair loss includes diet, meditation, yoga and we cannot forget medicated herbal oil massage.
Body cleansing to arrest hair fall
Ayurveda recommends that bowel movement should be regular to ensure that toxins aren’t retained within the body. Hormonal leftovers inside the toxins are often responsible for inducing hair loss. Thus, bowel cleansers are generally recommended. Among these, Triphala is among the most recommended of ayurvedic herbs.
The patients should take up yoga seriously as it helps a great deal in cases of the hair loss prevention. There are certain yoga exercises that are specially designed for these problems and they also assist in dealing with the stress that is the priority with most people in the modern society. A headstand benefits the patients in lots of ways like blood circulation and also prevention of hair fall.
Vitamins A, B, E are essential in your diet for healthy hair. Vitamin A serves as an anti-oxidant and helps in production of sebum in scalp. Vitamin E stimulates blood circulation which helps to keep hair follicles productive, but excess may harm your hair. Vitamin B also helps in blood circulation. Eating small amount of white sesame seeds daily adds calcium and magnesium towards the body which help strengthen hair follicles.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair Loss
Getting an oil massage
An oil massage is really a time test solution for hair fall. It has been used from since the beginning and is still a major part of the hair loss treatment. You have to take a handful of coconut oil and then rub it until it rests well on the scalp of your head. The oil basically cools down to treat the stress induced anomalies. The oils that have vitamin E are also advised by the doctors for maximum effect and it makes an excellent remedy for hair loss.